Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
In this moment of Trump supporters crying and gnashing their teeth and screaming that this is the worst injustice ever, just remind them that they made fun of George Floyd for being murdered by a racist cop, so they can all please hug off now.
Most of the pro-Trump arguments right now basically boil down to the sickening idea that white-collar crime is not real crime and should not be prosecuted.
If Trump supporters get their hands on the jury list, those poor jurors will need to fear for their lives.
So what happens when Trump gets probation and then ignores the conditions of that probation?
Just FYI, other presidents have been convicted of crimes.

- Prime Minister Lee Wan-Koo of South Korea was convicted of bribery in 2016.
- Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel was convicted of bribery in 2014.
- President Chen Shui-Bian of Taiwan was convicted of bribery in 2009.
- President Kakuei Tanaka of Japan was convicted of bribery in 1983.
- Prime Minister Francois Fillon of France was convicted of fraud in 2020.
- Prime Minister Jose Socrates of Portugal was convicted of corruption in 2014.
- Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy was convicted of soliciting sex from an underage prostitute in 2013.

This is by no means a comprehensive list. In fact, presidents and prime ministers are convicted of crimes all the time. It is in fact a healthy sign of a functioning democracy that even its most powerful men must still answer to the law.

But do you know which national leaders will NEVER be convicted of a crime? Vladimir Putin. Kim Jong-Un. King Salman of Saudi Arabia. These are the kind of leaders who set themselves above the law.
It's not an embarrassment to convict an ex-president. It is an embarrassment to have a criminal for an ex-president.
It's so irritating that this actually has to be explained, but it's a big deal to falsify business records, because falsified business records are the mechanism through which tax cheating, embezzlement, and money laundering is done. Virtually all white-collar crime boils down to falsifying business records at some point.


too old for this
There should absolutely be a law making this sort of thing an exception to NDAs. Remember how WAY BACK IN 2016 we were like "Come on, somebody release the tape of Trump saying the N word. We know it's out there somewhere. That's what it'll take to ruin him." We could have avoided his whole damn presidency if they could have done that back in 2016.
While stakes were far less than the presidency, I have been one of the 'consequences be damned' whistleblowers in a position I've previously held.
To this day I am paying for that. To this day those people continue to do everything they can to make my life suck and, honestly, they've done a magnificent job of it.
There is a reason people stay quiet. I understand that better now. The right thing may be the right thing, but when it costs you everything that's when you really start to question principle.


Well-known member
clearly the poles are rigged.


Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
I've got a news flash for all the conservatives who are downplaying Trump's falsified business record felonies as "paperwork": illegal immigration is a paperwork crime too.
News flash for Republicans: prosecuting a president the same way you'd prosecute a regular person is not a "dangerous precedent": it's literally how we were all taught that the system works.

We were all taught that not only should the system work that way, but that it ALREADY works that way.
Trump's staggering contempt for the court, the judge, and the entire legal system, combined with his absolute refusal to admit wrongdoing or show remorse, should factor into harsh sentencing.

Unless the system is corrupt or weak.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
It's hilarious that Trump could have greatly increased his odds of winning in court if he had only swallowed his pride and admitted to the affair with Stormy Daniels. Admit to the affair, and admit that people working for you tried to cover it up with a hush-money deal.

They have him dead-to-rights on this. They have the paper trail for the money changing hands. It's an open-and-shut case, and when they have this kind of evidence, your only sound legal strategy is to admit it, and then try to weasel out some other way.

That other way is obvious: just pretend that your overzealous underlings did this without your personal approval or knowledge. Pretend that you didn't know there was a cover-up. Throw someone under the bus: it's not like this would be the first time for Trump, or indeed, the first time for a Republican president (remember Iran Contra?)

But it's pretty hard to pretend a cover-up took place without your input WHEN YOU'RE STANDING OUTSIDE THE COURTROOM STILL TRYING TO COVER IT UP DURING THE TRIAL.

It's been widely reported that Trump directed his own defense, and of course, his defense strategy was based on his ignorance and arrogance.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
His defense also didn't work. Even the dude on the jury who got all his news from truth social voted to convict on all counts. The only people trumps lies worked on was his base. His ignorant, isolated, dwindling base.

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