Transformers: One - New Animated Prequel coming September 20th, 2024 - New Toy Official Images!


Continuity Nutcase
Spoiler warning: Watch this only after you've seen the movie, cuz they mention a few things from the movie in this:


Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I saw it…and I REALLY liked it. Loved the art direction, loved the character design work (it felt to me like a fusion of cartoon and comic blended through CGI, especially the faces), I was ASTONISHED at the quality of the voice work. Especially from Scarlett Johansson, who typically offers fairly “reserved” performances.
KMK did a great job with Bumblebee, even if I’m not particularly fond of his broader “archetype transition” the past 15-ish years.

Everything was VERY good…but it just feels like there was “something” that just wasn’t quite clicking to elevate the film to the next level. I kind of wonder if the film could have used another 10-15 minutes to develop D-16’s turn, or maybe not be as committed to establishing the Prime/Megatron dynamic and let things flow a bit more organically? It kind of feels like they did a whole pre-Bot/Con civil war deal in the last 15 minutes and forgot the whole “Quintesson oppressors” thing.

But it was still a damn solid Transformers film, and it’s great to see the franchise’s lore actually be represented on screen with the respect it deserves. It’s not flawless, but it also presents the brand in a more thoughtful way than what a majority of the live action films have done.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Thinking more about this movie's take on the Aligned backstory lore of "Optimus and Megatron were once friends as close as brothers before falling out and becoming bitter enemies", a thought crossed my mind tonight about that backstory in general. Awhile back, there was some talk about this backstory in the Post Pictures thread, about how it was seemingly born out of a throwaway line in the 2007 movie, in which Optimus called Megatron "brother". But after seeing TF One, I got thinking about this notion and how the Exodus novel first established that the falling out between Optimus and Megatron was because of Optimus being chosen to be the next Prime--first by the High Council and then by Cybertron's Core--instead of Megatron. This left Megatron feeling embittered, betrayed, and jealous of Optimus. The more I thought about this, the more I realized how familiar this sounded. Then it hit me where I'd seen the same broad strokes of this story told before: Robots in Disguise 2001! In that series, Optimus Prime was chosen by Vector Sigma to be the leader of the Autobots and the bearer of the Matrix, which left his literal biological brother Ultra Magnus feeling embittered, betrayed, and jealous of Optimus, feeling that he should have chosen to bear the Matrix instead of Optimus. It's very possible that, when putting together the Binder of Revelation, Rik Alvarez and his team came up with the new backstory for Optimus and Megatron by taking direct inspiration from that initial brotherly feud between RID01 Optimus and Magnus, with Megatron swapped in for Magnus and made less a literal brother and more just a metaphorical one.

Something I wish we'd see with this take on the two, and the reasons for their falling out being as such...

I want to see it carry over to the next generation, so to speak.

Think about it: In Transformers: The Movie, the Matrix is passed to Ultra Magnus, but it ultimately goes to Hot Rod, who becomes Rodimus Prime -- but only after Megatron, now Galvatron, has not only claimed it for himself, but tried to use its power, and was unable to do so.

I can only image whatever hatred and loathing Megatron developed for Optimus Prime as a result of being passed over for the Matrix would only be amplified and intensified towards Rodimus Prime.

And that's something I'd like to see play out. Yeah, sure, Galvatron was no fan of Rodimus in Season 3, but it never went to that kind of level that this further lore building could take it to.


Staff member
Council of Elders
but in-universe there doesn't seem to be one. I don't know if it's even commented on, but maybe it was in the first few minutes I didn't catch.

Out-of-universe, they're from Megatron's G1 Japanese listing designation, and from Bee's pre-Earth designation in the the 2018 Bumblebee solo movie. It is kind of odd that they stand out in that way.


Continuity Nutcase
I went to see the movie again today and the specific screening I saw was a subtitled one. Since I had the whole room all to myself, I was able to whip out my phone and take some notes on some things I observed in the subtitles:
  • This first thing went by really fast and so may need to be double-checked: The two guards who chase Orion Pax in the archives at the beginning of the movie refer to themselves as "KDQ-12" and "KDQ-1".
  • Throughout the entire movie, the subtitles consistently spelled Elita's full name as "Elita One" (like how her G1 cartoon counterpart's name was spelled in the script for the episode "The Search for Alpha Trion"). However, this stands in contrast to how both the voice cast list in the end credits, as well as Hasbro's current trademark for all toys of her, spell her name as "Elita-1".
  • Names of Iacon 5000 racers I caught being spoken aloud (by D-16, Orion, or the announcer) were "Thunderglide", "Behemoth", "Strafe", "Skyfire", "Darkwing", "Spinout", "Jetstorm", and "Chromia", all spelled like so in the subtitles.
  • After the race, a female voice paged "Dr. Ratchet" to report to "Medical Bay 94" (this one also went by quick, and could have been a different number like "84").
  • B-127's two nicknames were consistently spelled as just "B" (like how D-16's nickname is just "D") and "Badassatron", clarifying that neither are spelled "Bee" or "Badassitron" as some fans have used. Also, whenever B spoke his other nickname in the deep voice, the subs consistently spelled that version as "Badassatronnnn" with four Ns at the end.
  • The names of B's three lifeless "friends" made of junk were spelled "EP-508", "A-A-Tron", and "Steve" (though, the first two also went by quick, so they too may need to be double-checked).
  • When Orion Pax spoke of the "Quintesson war", the subs spelled it like so, with a lowercase W in "war", making it look less like a formal name for the war and more just a descriptor.
  • Elita's "go-bots" insult was spelled like so, hyphenated and in all-lowercase.
  • "High Guard" was consistently spelled like so as two separate words, all except for one instance where Elita called them "High-Guard nutjobs", hyphenating it instead.

And a more casual observation that Orion once used the phrase "My God" (spelled like that with an uppercase G in the subs), which felt odd and very Earth-specific given that B used "Holy Primus" at one point earlier. Elita also used "Hell" at least once. I know these are movies made by Earth humans who are going to make these alien characters speak like Earth humans to make them sound natural and relatable to Earth-human audiences, but still. It took me out of the moment for a sec.
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Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I think I finally grasped what threw me “off” on my view of the film:
It really should have been two films, or at least much of the last quarter of the film should have been spun out into a separate feature. I know why they didn't, and I get the necessity of ending the film with Optimus vs Megatron, but…
I think it would have elevated Megatron, as a character, if we’d have had more of him chaffing under the direction of Orion Pax. Imagine if Orion had stopped Megatron from killing Sentinel as a tool to fight against the Quintessons. Instead of there being a defined “Sentinel Prime forces”, what if they had a scene where Megatron (as a contrast to Orion) has a speech in his captors hold, inspiring the loyalist forces to join with him. Sentinel calls them “deceptive constructs” which gets twisted into a new name. End this film with Orion Pax becoming Optimus Prime (to Megatron’s chagrin) and forming a coalition to drive away the Quintessons.
Next film details the conflict, with Megatron and his new “Decepticons” being the bulwark against the Quintessons while the Autobots operate in support roles and ground support. Megatron’s increasingly violent actions win the war, but Optimus’s overtures for peace get rebuked and that spins out to the traditional Autobot/Decepticon war.

Again, I KNOW why they didn’t go that route, but I think that’s where my slight disatisfaction comes from: they rushed some key character development. Which is sad because what they have is just SO good, the rushed ending to reach a determined end point kind of lessons the potential impact.


Staff member
Council of Elders
being so rushed and clunky is indeed one of my complaints about it. Basically everything after, say, the cave was a mixed bag of developing the characters. Megs' change is worked in slowly, but unevenly. At first he's just more unnecessarily, jerkishly, assertive (with the map), but he then has key moments with the High Guard and Sentinel that are very good. Still, there's too much ground to cover -- it isn't just him that has to develop, it's the movement.

There's also how Optimus doesn't really develop much as a character other than losing his buddy -- at most there's a moment of doubt and fear that Elita pep-talks him through. But while i wouldn't go so far as to say his moral conviction should be missing at first, it would be nice for him to shed and refine something.

Maybe he could have started out being more timid and clinging to the status quo rather than aspirational about transcending the caste. That way, his speech about freedom and autonomy could have been something learned. The autonomy speech at the end could have been one he makes to the populace (a stepped up version of how he pep-talks the miners), in contrast to Megs embracing control (peace through tyranny), unwittingly taking Sentinel's path for his own reasons (no more leaders... Other than me).

(EP-508) was the only other letter/number name I caught, yeah. Iirc A-a-tron is a callback to an older Key and Peele sketch, not sure if EP-508 was too.
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Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
I went to see the movie again today and the specific screening I saw was a subtitled one. Since I had the whole room all to myself, I was able to whip out my phone and take some notes on some things I observed in the subtitles:
  • This first thing went by really fast and so may need to be double-checked: The two guards who chase Orion Pax in the archives at the beginning of the movie refer to themselves as "KDQ-12" and "KDQ-1".
  • Throughout the entire movie, the subtitles consistently spelled Elita's full name as "Elita One" (like how her G1 cartoon counterpart's name was spelled in the script for the episode "The Search for Alpha Trion"). However, this stands in contrast to how both the voice cast list in the end credits, as well as Hasbro's current trademark for all toys of her, spell her name as "Elita-1".
  • Names of Iacon 5000 racers I caught being spoken aloud (by D-16, Orion, or the announcer) were "Thunderglide", "Behemoth", "Strafe", "Skyfire", "Darkwing", "Spinout", "Jetstorm", and "Chromia", all spelled like so in the subtitles.
  • After the race, a female voice paged "Dr. Ratchet" to report to "Medical Bay 94" (this one also went by quick, and could have been a different number like "84").
  • B-127's two nicknames were consistently spelled as just "B" (like how D-16's nickname is just "D") and "Badassatron", clarifying that neither are spelled "Bee" or "Badassitron" as some fans have used. Also, whenever B spoke his other nickname in the deep voice, the subs consistently spelled that version as "Badassatronnnn" with four Ns at the end.
  • The names of B's three lifeless "friends" made of junk were spelled "EP-508", "A-A-Tron", and "Steve" (though, the first two also went by quick, so they too may need to be double-checked).
  • When Orion Pax spoke of the "Quintesson war", the subs spelled it like so, with a lowercase W in "war", making it look less like a formal name for the war and more just a descriptor.
  • Elita's "go-bots" insult was spelled like so, hyphenated and in all-lowercase.
  • "High Guard" was consistently spelled like so as two separate words, all except for one instance where Elita called them "High-Guard nutjobs", hyphenating it instead.

And a more casual observation that Orion once used the phrase "My God" (spelled like that with an uppercase G in the subs), which felt odd and very Earth-specific given that B used "Holy Primus" at one point earlier. Elita also used "Hell" at least once. I know these are movies made by Earth humans who are going to make these alien characters speak like Earth humans to make them sound natural and relatable to Earth-human audiences, but still. It took me out of the moment for a sec.

They use "born" instead of "forged" too, which did annoy me slightly.


I'll think of something later.
Saw it today and really enjoyed it. It was kind of a pain to get there though. Had tickets to the 12;10 show at the one theater, got there several minutes early, and then waited. 12:00, 12;10, 12:15, 12:20. Nothing. No previews, no Maria Menudos shilling her podcast. I went back put to the concession stand and told them, the girl said she'd check with the booth. Went back in and sat for another ten minutes or so, then my son went and asked them, and they said a couple of more minutes. Five or so minutes later, the previews and trivia started finally...and went for another 30 minutes. Then the movie started. Finally! was the wrong movie. They started playing Omni Loop instead. At this point I requested a refund and went across the street to the other theater (also owned by AMC) and we watched the 3D version.

With all that said, I liked this movie better than any TF movie I've seen probably since the 86 movie. It's the first tie I've ever really seen the whole "Optimus and Megatron were brothers or best buds then turned against each other" come off as really working.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
If this spawns a show, I hope we get enough flashbacks to piece together a better paced extension of this story.
Given prior, similar, “expand from the film” follow up cartoons? The inevitability is that the show would quickly tread into their own path, especially once the film starts to see sequel(s)

Could we see a “Cybertron” series INSPIRED by this film? Sure. But even in that case, you’d likely see the show do its own remix of events and not directly follow the feature film.
I doubt it. They'd have to scale back on both CGI and VA talent.

If anything I see this leading to a series of feature films.
That will depend on the film’s financial performance. The biggest thing going for it is that TF One costs a LOT less than any live action, even with the talent involved. Reportedly, TF One’s budget is in the neighborhood of $75 million, plus marketing. But Hasbro seems to have picked up on some of that, themselves, lumping TF One promotion with the brand’s 40th Anniversary.

According to Box Office Mojo, first weekend estimates are putting TF One’s initial weekend haul at the US domestic BO around $25 million, which is on par with Bumblebee’s first weekend. Next weekend, it faces stiff competition from The Wild Robot, before Joker 2 releases on October 4, not to mention the strong holdover Beatlejuice 2 has had.
But, with strong word of mouth, the film might have a solid run, and its prospects are bolstered by its more modest budget and stronger “back end”.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Hasbro really needs to reevaluate their relationship with Paramount.

I hope word of mouth saves this over time. It's an uphill battle now but it's possible. ROTB had really impressive legs for how soft its opening was. The insane budget was the main problem there, and One at least doesn't have that problem.

But there is a problem that's too late for word of mouth to fix, and that's that the film itself it too late. Releasing this in September when kids are back in school was just stupid. Weekends aren't enough. Kids don't have weekends. They have homework. This needed to be a summer release, and if Paramount couldn't make that happen then they are just beyond broken now.

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