Transformers: One - New Animated Prequel coming September 20th, 2024 - New Toy Official Images!


Staff member
Council of Elders
Yeah, it sounds really good. And I didn't even know about the other biscuit types (thinking BoBerry was just their name for their biscuit), although it makes sense that more standard types are also there.

Alas, I am overdrawn at the moment, so I can't even chase down a local equivalent after work; gonna have to Amazing Mumford it up and make me some peanut butter sandwiches.


NOT a New Member.
Hey, glad you enjoyed!

Thankfully, none of that other stuff happening around here... I don't know if I could handle it on top of everything else!

Sorry to make you hungry, though! (But Bojangles is great -- the biscuits are the best (regular, sandwich, and BoBerry), and the seasoned fries are great. And I'm really fond of the chicken and dirty rice, too!)

Oh... that probably doesn't help, does it?
Bojangles is indeed a fine establishment for American biscuits, chicken and American-style sausage slices (for breakfast). The Hispanic workers even understood the British English term "serviette" (as it's also the same as Spanish, right?), so I didn't have to translate it like I've had to with other American workers into "napkin".

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Yeah, but getting them shipped to Canada seems rather ill-advised for a number of reasons...

We had some local equivalent in recent years, but I'm not sure if those are still made anymore.
No need to get them long-distance shipped to yourself, they should be available at retail at major and midsize grocery chains. As well as adult-styled ones in thinner dark blue packaging.

At least, my part of Canada has only had intermittent lacks of specific flavours from 2022 onwards. I've never had them myself -- don't really think much of them -- but I can assure you they should still be a local thing.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
why the frig are we talking about lunchables.

anyways saw tf one tonight, it was good and i liked it.

it's in my top 3 transformers movies i've seen.


i have only seen 3 of the transformers movies (this one, the 86 film, and the 2007 one if you can count 'i saw it on cartoon network once when i was like 15 and i literally could not tell you what was going on because - big surprise, it's kind of hard to tell wtf is going on in a damn movie when you're watching it on a 19 inch TV from 1994')

The Phazer

Well-known member
Paramount confirms the US streaming release to buy is October 22nd. Physical in the US December 17th.

No announcements of international dates (and given Paramount's usual operating model I would not expect one imminently).


Wondering bot
Hoping for a good return on streaming. I'd like to see Paramount / Hasbro keep going in this direction for Transformers movies instead of returning to the Bay era feel.

I agree with you, hopefully the streaming numbers make them sit up and think, but I doult it, they are stuck in their ways a lot of these execs, but then again, the big studios pretty much blew themselves up to chase streaming, when it would of been far more easier to make deals with Netflix as its the second biggest streaming platform in the world, Number 1 is Youtube


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'll be buy a digital copy today for sure. I only saw the movie once in theaters so I'll be watching it a lot on streaming from the comfort of my home.


Active member
Just bought it on youtube but I cant watch it. I get "Sorry, there was an error licensing this video." Is this happening to anyone else?


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
So, I was walking through the toy aisles at a nearby Walmart (as one does), and they still have the cardboard 4-sided display up for ONE figures, and it occurred to me: the Prime Changers are pretty much the movie's main line, and we've only got 2 of the film's 4 main characters in it. Elita-1 and D-16/Megatron are completely absent. I know we are getting Studio Series figures soon, but it just strikes me as odd that they wouldn't have Prime Changer figures out close to the release of the movie.

Has any further Prime Changer releases been announced, or is that it?


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Studio Series Elita-1 isn't supposed to come out until Fall next year.
I am going to try and get one of those, too, but Studio Series is kind of an overall line that covers many movies and games.

I'm talking more about the specifically Transformers ONE branded Prime Changers, which is the movie tie-in line. It just seems weird to me that half of the main cast is absent from the movie's dedicated line of regular transforming figures.

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