Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
The Rise movie fight was cut down. We lost some extra attacks from Donnie.



Well-known member
So years (maybe) ago my brother bought the classic 87 TMNT figures that came out. I noticed months ago, while helping clear his stuff, Michelangelo's nunchuks had snapped.
Yesterday I went in the loft and found the original TMNT Michelangelo from our childhood with a notably intact nunchuk holstered. I also found the TMNT 2007 Turtles, TMNT '03 Donatello and Fast Foreward Leonardo and Michelangelo, all which I forgot I bought during my crazy days. Nice find.


Continuity Nutcase
So years (maybe) ago my brother bought the classic 87 TMNT figures that came out. I noticed months ago, while helping clear his stuff, Michelangelo's nunchuks had snapped.
Yesterday I went in the loft and found the original TMNT Michelangelo from our childhood with a notably intact nunchuk holstered. I also found the TMNT 2007 Turtles, TMNT '03 Donatello and Fast Foreward Leonardo and Michelangelo, all which I forgot I bought during my crazy days. Nice find.
Literal attic treasures.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I was reading a listicle of the most expensive TMNT figures from the original line on eBay, and discovered a few I was surprisingly unaware of.

In particular, Undercover Turtles. Never saw 'em, that I can recall. Why the hell did Playmates wait until the end of the line to finally release the Turtles in their default disguises that they'd worn for the better part of more than 100 episodes in their vehicle-to-move-more-toys?

(This is also part of why I can't help but disagree a little with the "just to sell toys" notion regarding kids cartoons on some level. Yes, that's certainly a part of it, but at the same time, most cartoons did a really poor example of reflecting the toys and vice-versa. Hell, that's why there's been such a shift towards animation-accurate toys in recent years -- the toons and the toys often didn't match up!)


Eorzean Idiot
I mean, I'm only going to pick up a few groceries. But sure, I'll make a pass through the toy isle. I doubt I'll find anything new though. And it's not like I don't already have multiple versions of every single character I could possibly want a toy for. So what could I possibly find that would be of interest?


Well, jive! There goes my spending cash.

Of course, being NECA, it comes with a whole bunch of stuff: alt heads, alt hands, swinging nunchuck, tonfa, pair of nunchucks, pair of sais, pair of katana blades, a single bo staff...(poor Donny always gets the short end of the stick). But really, I only bought it for these two beauties.



If you're a true fan of TMNT, then you already know the significance of these toys. If you don't know, you make me sad.


Continuity Nutcase
If you're a true fan of TMNT, then you already know the significance of these toys. If you don't know, you make me sad.
I know who they are. They're those weird silent Turtles who made a cameo appearance in that crossover episode from the fourth season of the 2012 Nick cartoon. :p


Active member
I mean, I'm only going to pick up a few groceries. But sure, I'll make a pass through the toy isle. I doubt I'll find anything new though. And it's not like I don't already have multiple versions of every single character I could possibly want a toy for. So what could I possibly find that would be of interest?

View attachment 25593

Well, jive! There goes my spending cash.

Of course, being NECA, it comes with a whole bunch of stuff: alt heads, alt hands, swinging nunchuck, tonfa, pair of nunchucks, pair of sais, pair of katana blades, a single bo staff...(poor Donny always gets the short end of the stick). But really, I only bought it for these two beauties.

View attachment 25594

View attachment 25595

If you're a true fan of TMNT, then you already know the significance of these toys. If you don't know, you make me sad.

I guess I'm a true fan.


Eorzean Idiot
The new issue is out. It's pretty good. The brothers are back together again though the infighting is really a lot more fierce than usual.

It was really good and all and I really enjoyed it. But I'm afraid I do have a couple problems with it.


Did this mother hugger just say "karate?"


Did this mother hugger just say "karate?"


Eorzean Idiot

I must have a real weakness for the Adventures line. I didn't even care for Bellybomb as a character, yet here he sits!


Out of the box.

Man, this really makes me want a Ninjara. Even better would be a Ninjara vs. Alopex 2-pack. But since I already have an Alopex toy, I would settle for, and die for a Ninjara.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
View attachment 25821

I must have a real weakness for the Adventures line. I didn't even care for Bellybomb as a character, yet here he sits!

View attachment 25822

Out of the box.

Man, this really makes me want a Ninjara. Even better would be a Ninjara vs. Alopex 2-pack. But since I already have an Alopex toy, I would settle for, and die for a Ninjara.
Besides Metalhead, Ninjara might make me break and get a figure from the line.

It looks like an awesome line, though, I just can't afford everything. So I keep it kinda minimal.

Ninjara was actually a partial inspiration for one of my characters in Legends of the Halcyon Era/Beyond 21XX, though, so having a figure of her would be nice. Always wanted one. Wonder why she never got one...


Eorzean Idiot
New issue is out. I'm trying not to get too attached to this new run on TMNT because I'm just not sure how much faith I have in IDW being around for long. But boy oh boy, they do know how to do TMNT at least. And they continue making me love Donnie.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
So, you guys want another TMNT toy line?
McFarlane is doing TMNT Page Punchers. Turtles will be 5”, and the other characters will scale around that. The figures will be a “IDW look” homogenized through more popular artists. Presumably, this means Page Punchers will feature IDW comics. More details this weekend.


Eorzean Idiot
I'll have to see what else besides the main 4 turtles are in the line. I have soooooo many toys of the Turtles...and a lot of the other characters for that matter. But if something happens to catch my eye.....

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