Energon Universe - ongoing Transformers and G.I. Joe comics from Skybound


Another babka?

This looks fun. Googly-eyed Laserbeak is my everything.


Active member
TF #17 out this week. It advances a lot of separate plots (TC looking for Skywarp, Arcee and Beachcomber looking for Magnus, Optimus and company trying to save Seattle from the Decepticon intra-conflict, Cliffjumper resurrecting his old buddies) so not much to say.

Not sure how I feel about Shredhead. No problems with writers getting to make their own characters but his/their design comes off a bit dorky IMO. Between the head and the letters page comments, feels like something DWJ drew up as a young kid. I do like that they used Carly's van as the basis though.


Well-known member
Yeah, Transformers #17 is a pretty solid issue.

Lots of little things happen. And one kind of big thing. Something I wasn't really expecting. That ending might catch you by surprise. In a good way.

So, it's a good issue. Mostly action. Mostly excitement. I am interested to see how they follow this up.

I do like that Thundercracker is trying to rescue Skywarp. I do wonder how he's going to "free" him, though. Just take his head? Upload his mind into his body so they're sharing a body? I wonder how creative they're going to get here.

I actually do like the brief glimpse of stars we see in the middle of Beachcomber's battle flashback. The art does do a good job of making it look pretty, amidst the carnage.

It seems like Ultra Magnus has tried to re-create the base where he had been imprisoned on Cybertron for decades (WAY back in Transformers #7). Possibly because that's all he's known for so long? If that's what they're going for...geez, that's sad. Poor Ultra Magnus. Okay, THIS is a Ultra Magnus who REALLY can't deal with this now.

Back on Cybertron, this sure FEELS like the Wreckers forming. I'm not sure if that's even what DWJ is trying to do or not. But, it does have that feel to it. I like it!

Wheeljack's noticed that Optimus is acting weird. So, at least someone is paying attention. I'm sure this is going to come to a head soon enough.

I kept expecting something BAD to happen to Cliffjumper's jar full of spark-parts. But, hey...nothing bad happened this time! Maybe, anyway, we'll see how this plays out.

Bruticus vs Devastator continues to be a cool fight.

And then we get the big reveal for this issue. SHREDHEAD! Okay, I'll admit, I was NOT expecting a new character. I was expecting something horrible like Autobot X. Or maybe Superion or Defensor parts. Something to deal with all the Decpeticon Combiners we've had so far. But, a new character? Who's got a cool energy sword? Alright! It's a little surprising that he just seems to be a "normal" van, though. Name kind of makes me think he's a TMNT character, too. Still, I'm interested to see what this new guy is like. I'm sure with a name like Shredhead and being made up of a bunch of nearly-dead spark-pieces, he's a really levelheaded and reasonable fellow.

So...how long until Carly paints a new dragon or a wizard on the side of Shredhead's van form? I feel like that's where this is going.

Also, in the letter's page, they name-drop the TF Wiki! Neat! They ARE paying attention to that.

Also, Shockwave is probably only MOSTLY dead. That's expected. It's Shockwave, after all.

Not sure how I feel about Shredhead. No problems with writers getting to make their own characters but his/their design comes off a bit dorky IMO. Between the head and the letters page comments, feels like something DWJ drew up as a young kid. I do like that they used Carly's van as the basis though.
You know what? The head and overall bodyshape kind of remind me of Hoist. And I wonder if that's a little on purpose, in order for Hasbro to make it into a toy easier, down the road. Since it's easier to alter a existing mold than make a brand new one and all that.
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Well-known member
GI Joe #4 is out!

This one is mostly action so there's not a ton to really talk about. It's still fun! Not the most substantial read in the world. But, I don't really expect it to be, at this point. I'm expecting a big, loud action movie of a comic. And that's what I'm getting. Can't really complain about that.

If you've been enjoying the ride with this book so far, I think you'll enjoy this one, too. Some of the pieces are starting to fall into place for that inevitable crossover that I'm surprised they've put off as long as they have.

Welcome to GI Joe, Risk! Hope you survive the experience!

What do you suppose Cobra's "missile budget" is? They strap those things onto everything. And yet, management says they still can't afford a new coffee machine in the breakroom. Typical.

Baroness does not seem to care for Risk. Which either means they're going to become a couple, or she's gonna kill him for real. Given Destro is also in this comic...I don't know if Risk is long for this world. Although, Destro and Chameleon may have a little something going on in this universe instead. OH, the relationship drama! Why else would anyone read GI Joe?

And Duke...surrenders! All according to plan! No, really, this actually seems to be Duke's plan for getting into Cobra's secret base. It's a flawed plan, but you can't argue with the results...it stinks!

Meanwhile, Ripper and Chameleon get the drop on the other team of Joes. It's just not a great day to be a Joe.

Also, Destro and Mercer are studying the corpse of the Cobra-La agent who tried to assassinate Cobra Commander. Destro is starting to suspect something may be up. And he would be right.

But, having a metal helmet doesn't really help your peripheral vision and sense of hearing. Destro doesn't notice Clutch talking out loud to himself not 3 feet away. The security in this place is terrible. Who's running the private security for this place? Oh...wait...right...MARS. Clutch overhears that all of Cobra's weapons run on this new fangled "Energon" stuff. What will they think of next?

But now we learn what Cobra's scheme is this week. Cobra Commander's planning on using the Brainwave Scanner in order to make a Brainwave BOMB! Which will get everyone to OBEY COBRA! I feel like CC's overthinking this one. I feel like at this point, you could win most people over just by offering free chocolate.

But Duke has Cobra right where he wants them. In front of them chained up holding them at gunpoint. This happens to Duke a lot in this universe.

Also, in the letters page, there's someone who's really worried that Risk will turn out to be Snake Eyes. I'll admit, I never even thought of that. But, it's denied. Personally, I think they're saving Snake Eyes and Grimlock for the Transformers/GI Joe crossover to hype that up a little more. It just seems suspicious that they've just so happened to put off introducing two of the most popular characters from both sides. Any day now...Ninjas versus Dinosaurs, I'm calling it!

They're also doing a "Name the Letter Column" contest. I'm never very good at those. Um..."Cup of Joe"? "Dear Joe Letters"? "Gee I Know"? "Half of the Battle"? "Cobra-la-la-la-Letters"? "Real American Postage"? “Over Land, Sea, or Mail”? "Snakes and Letters"? See? Terrible.
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Well-known member
Solicitations for May are out!

It's going to be slightly different than before, due to Image leaving Diamond completely. So, below are images, not links like before. And some of the images for other comics may be a little violent or NSFW. Fair warning:




And some commentary:
Beach Head is coming. Hi, Beach Head! But, this could be his last mission?! Bye, Beach Head!

Transformers #20 will feature the first appearances of a few characters from Transformers and GI Joe. I'm going to go with....Serpentor and Predaking! It's not likely, but if I'm right it'll be MIND-BLOWING!

Skuxxoid's back! Getting sliced like a well-cured ham won't keep him down! Either this is going to be his origin or he's not as dead as the last issue made him out to be. Even DEATH ITSELF doesn't want anything to do with ol' Skuxxy. Also: Junkions, but those guys are playing second fiddle to our main man, over here.

Also, this probably deserves a mention outside of spoiler tags. Image is going to put out Transformers Compendium Volume 1 in June, which will collect issue 1-46 and Headmaster 1-4 of the Marvel series. That's a big, chonky volume! Arguably...too chonky? It's 1,200 pages! That's ALMOST as long as the newest Brandon Sanderson book, and that's crazy.
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LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Oh man, I'm totally into that Compendium... if they do it right. Hopefully no weird color corrections.

And 1-46? So Circuit Breaker and Spider-Man are in?

Only thing is, ending it at 46 is weird. With the Underbase Saga, that's a solid closer.

But either way, it's going to be pretty lopsided with only 34 issues left to this one's 30...

...unless they include ReGeneration One to make it an even 100.

By that point, why not work in the '84: Secrets & Lies stuff, too?

Hopefully they'll save and compile all the Universe stuff into one big tome. Maybe feature unpublished bios, too?


Continuity Nutcase
Oh man, I'm totally into that Compendium... if they do it right. Hopefully no weird color corrections.
Since Hachette used the IDW "Classics" versions for their "Definitive G1 Collection" reprint series, it really wouldn't surprise me if Skybound does the same for this release.

I'd be pleasantly surprised if not... unless theirs somehow turn out to be worse than IDW's.

Although, Skybound did do a single-issue reprint of Marvel G1 #1, and it did use the IDW "Classics" version.

And 1-46? So Circuit Breaker and Spider-Man are in?
Just like they were in IDW's "Classics" volumes.

Only thing is, ending it at 46 is weird. With the Underbase Saga, that's a solid closer.

But either way, it's going to be pretty lopsided with only 34 issues left to this one's 30...
What's weirder is that the original announcement said Volume 1 would contain #1-44 + Headmasters instead of #1-46 + Headmasters. The former would be 50 issues total while the latter is 54. Either way, that leaves Volume 2 being very lopsided if it's just #47-80 (34 issues) or #45-80 (36 issues). Unless Volume 2 is also including the G.I. Joe crossover and the TFTM adaptation, which would be an additional seven issues to make the total either 41 or 43 issues, but which are both still pretty lopsided compared to whichever number of issues the first volume will contain.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
So once again the UK stuff is punted off to the side, if it ever gets released at all.


Well-known member
What's weirder is that the original announcement said Volume 1 would contain #1-44 + Headmasters instead of #1-46 + Headmasters. The former would be 50 issues total while the latter is 54. Either way, that leaves Volume 2 being very lopsided if it's just #47-80 (34 issues) or #45-80 (36 issues). Unless Volume 2 is also including the G.I. Joe crossover and the TFTM adaptation, which would be an additional seven issues to make the total either 41 or 43 issues, but which are both still pretty lopsided compared to whichever number of issues the first volume will contain.
I'm not following your math. Headmasters is 4 issues. 44+4= 48, and 46+4 = 50.


Continuity Nutcase
Maybe 2nd part will include the Universe profiles?
If so, then Volume 2 is going to end up the one with way more pages than the first. When IDW compiled the entirety of the Universe profiles in Vol. 8 of their Classics release, the total page count for just the profiles (and the four two-page spread covers from the original releases) was 216 pages.

I'm not following your math. Headmasters is 4 issues. 44+4= 48, and 46+4 = 50.
That's what I get for posting at 2:30 a.m. 😅


Well-known member
I wouldn't be surprised if they include all of G2 in the possible second Compendium. But, who knows? It's probably going to be a weird split, no matter how they do this.


For G.I. Joe they included the Order of Battle comics which are basically the same as Transformers Universe so I'd imagine they add those in as well. Probably include the movie adaptation and the G.I. Joe crossover comic series too.


Continuity Nutcase
"Man of Iron" can actually fit into the US continuity if placed chronologically right after "Prime Time!", before "Shooting Star!"

And, well, it actually fits better there in UK continuity too, after "Prime Time!" and before "Christmas Breaker!", due to so much going on in "Man of Iron" that makes it pretty much impossible to occur during the first four US issues despite what "Robot War" claimed in its attempt to cram it in there.


Well-known member
"Man of Iron" can actually fit into the US continuity if placed chronologically right after "Prime Time!", before "Shooting Star!"

And, well, it actually fits better there in UK continuity too, after "Prime Time!" and before "Christmas Breaker!", due to so much going on in "Man of Iron" that makes it pretty much impossible to occur during the first four US issues despite what "Robot War" claimed in its attempt to cram it in there.
I'm not really going to argue, but it's kind of forcing a square peg in a round hole... if the square peg is small enough, it WILL fit, but you know it's not really meant to.

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