Okay, we got some real news to kick things off with!
BotCon 2025 is coming back to the Grand Wayne Center at Fort Wayne, Indiana (the same place it was at last year).
Vendor registration and Sponsors
New logo and Artist resigistration
Attendee Registration
Hype foreshadowing to the reveal of one of the exclusives, who is to be a NEW character
Reveal of the Exclusives
BotCon 2025 is coming back to the Grand Wayne Center at Fort Wayne, Indiana (the same place it was at last year).

Vendor registration and Sponsors
It’s about to get crazy very fast! We have opened up Vendor Registration today. All the details can be found at BotCon.com
We also have links on our page to two of our sponsors, Yolopark and Model Kit Hobby. Yolopark was behind this years OFFICIAL Transformers BotCon 2-pack Delta Magnus Vs Sunstorm. There are very limited quantities still available.
Model Kit Hobby is a retail partner that has all the latest Blokees including the NEW WAVE 5 Transformers One Galaxy figures! Get them now before anyone else!
Check it all out at BotCon.com!

New logo and Artist resigistration
BotCon '25! Check out our new OFFICIAL branding going forward. This will be the logo on all things BotCon for the foreseeable future. The perfect mix of "vintage" and "modern"!
Also note, ARTISTS! You can now register along with Vendors starting TODAY. https://www.botcon.com/dealer-registration/ We have a dedicated Artists Alley planned for 2025 which will be featured at the front of the MAIN hall! All booths will include pipe and draping with additional options for personalized booth features. Hotel reservations will be up early next month so stay tuned for that as well.
Stay Tuned to BotCon.com for all the latest info, sales on great BotCon product, and info on all our partners/collaborators!

Attendee Registration
BotCon ‘25 Registration has begun! Order your Premium +, Premium, and/or Weekend package today! Guest announcements on the way. Reveal of this years Convention Exclusive ‘The Sound of Science’ end of next month.
BotCon ‘25 in Fort Wayne, Indiana June 12-15. We’ll see you there!
Visit BotCon.com to register and for more info.

BotCon ‘25 June 12-15 at the Grand Wayne Center Ft. Wayne, Indiana Premium Admission
Upgrade to Premium PLUS to also receive:
- Badge/Lanyard
- Limited 2 figure Exclusive BotCon 2025 VS set “The Sound of Science”
- Thursday Night Priority Access to the BotCon Store and Exclusives
- Priority Admission entry to the BotCon ‘25 Vendor Room Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
- Convention Comic Program edition of BotCon Unlimited #4
- Exclusive BotCon cloisonné pin
- Exclusive BotCon trading card
- Premium Access to ALL BotCon guest panels and guest autographs (prices for autographs determined by guests).
- Early access to preorders for Botcon and Agabyss Exclusives.
- 3 Raffle tickets for show prizes
- Access to Custom Classes
- Limited Edition BotCon Yolopark Souvenir with BONUS CHASE Collector Card (Chase Collector Card ONLY available to Prem + registrants.)
- BotCon Unlimited Issue #4 w/ blank sketch cover (ONLY available to Prem Plus registrants.)
- $10 Artist Alley Voucher good towards sketch for BC Unlimited Issue #4
- Priority entry to BotCon store/exhibitor hall
- Priority seating for all panels
- 1 Grand Prize Raffle ticket

BotCon ‘25 June 12-15 at the Grand Wayne Center Ft. Wayne, Indiana Weekend Admission
- Badge/Lanyard
- Thursday Night Early Access to the BotCon Store and Exclusives
- Early Admission entry to the BotCon ‘25 Vendor Room on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
- Access to BotCon Q&A’s and panels (seating after Premium and Premium Plus seating)Access to guest autographs (prices for autographs determined by guests)
- All Pre-Registrants receive Agabucks (same as cash) towards the purchase of anything on the Agabyss website!
- 2 Raffle tickets for show prizes
- Access to Custom Classes
Hype foreshadowing to the reveal of one of the exclusives, who is to be a NEW character
1995 - BotCon introduced the first ever female Decepticon released in the U.S., Nightracer!
2005 - BotCon debuted Flamewar, an female Decepticon that would go on to appear in various Transformers media.
2015 - From the world of Diaclone, BotCon brought the female robot Burnout and her driver Dia to the Transformers multiverse.
2025 - Thirty years later at this years Toy Fair March 1-4, BotCon will reveal an ALL-NEW female Decepticon inspired by a design which traces its origins to the earliest days of Generation 1!
Follow us on TikTok for the LIVE reveal at 11am THIS Saturday: https://www.tiktok.com/@botconofficial?_t=ZT-8uFCXv8oOJa... Media - Be there at Booth 5668 for the special event.
This item is offered through Agabyss Distribution, also featuring exciting new product from Blokees, Killer Body, Boss Fight, and a NEW robot toy line being introduced to the U.S. market later this year!
Register for BotCon ‘25 now at BotCon.com

Reveal of the Exclusives
BotCon ‘25 Transformers Exclusive two-pack ‘Sound of Science’ featuring Soundblaster & Glyph, produced by Yolopark. Available to all Premium/Premium Plus attendees through BotCon.com.
Summer exclusive via Botcon/Agabyss - The ALL-NEW character Ladybug! Based on the original red VW deco from 1984. Retail of $28.95. Look for order details in the near future.
Both Glyph & Ladybug feature a new head sculpt! Package art by @Lantana_Ice on Twitter.
Follow us on Tik Tok for LIVE reports from the Agabyss Distribution booth at Toy Fair 2025!