Marvel's Hawkeye on Disney Plus


This is how a unicorn comments
Well to have the trash taste opinion as I always seem to do.

This is probably my favorite of the Marvel shows. I'm sorry but I just all in all loved this.

Maybe it's because I've always had a slight fascination with Archery. Maybe it's because for whatever reason I just REALLY like the MCU Hawkeye. Maybe it's because it's a sorta buddy cop thing with great character interactions. I dunno, but I rank this as the best one, with Loki just under it.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I really enjoyed Hawkeye. It wasn't as good as Loki or innovative as Wandavision but it was really, really good. Highly recommend it to anyone who missed it.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I watched the finale and I must admit that I really enjoyed it. It had some issues, but it was a fun show!


...even Team Whirl.
Finished up the series last night - I've stayed out of this thread for the last few days because I didn't want to get spoiled.

I really liked this one. Not a "perfect" show, but it felt like they had a handle on how to tell the story. Falcon and the Winter Soldier seemed to struggle with that the most, while WandaVision really knew what they were going to do from the start.

Loved the character interactions, especially Kate/Yelena and Clint/Kate/all their new friends. The use of trick arrows in the last episode was crazy fun, too.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Well to have the trash taste opinion as I always seem to do.

This is probably my favorite of the Marvel shows. I'm sorry but I just all in all loved this.

Maybe it's because I've always had a slight fascination with Archery. Maybe it's because for whatever reason I just REALLY like the MCU Hawkeye. Maybe it's because it's a sorta buddy cop thing with great character interactions. I dunno, but I rank this as the best one, with Loki just under it.
Not trash at all! There's a lot to like about this show. This and TFATWS get us a nice low-key run without multiversal shenanigans and metafictional stuff, and this is even more street-level and refreshing for it.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
I liked it. I honestly thought it told a better story than Loki and seeing the big boss at the end was a great surprise. I don't know where anyone got the idea they'd be romantic. I thought it was more of a father/daughter dynamic.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator

Not trash at all! There's a lot to like about this show. This and TFATWS get us a nice low-key run without multiversal shenanigans and metafictional stuff, and this is even more street-level and refreshing for it.
Yeah, I think, for the most part, these series have been REALLY nice "counter programming" to the major Marvel films. I've greatly enjoyed all the Marvel series, but I think I've enjoyed them MORE because they offer something different from the major films.
Between the Multiversal shenanigans of Loki, What If and No Way Home plus the high concept Eternals....Hawkeye was damn near the perfect "pallet cleanser" of sorts.
Clint's happily and faithfully married, for one.
To Agent 19, aka, Mockingbird at that :p
Which goes a LONG way to explaining some of the peculiarities of how she helped him and why he seemed so content to leave his family at home.


Continuity Nutcase
Which means we now have two MCU versions of the Mockingbird character, since Bobbi Morse was already introduced back in Agents of SHIELD.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
Sadly, AOS silently disconnected itself from the MCU completely.


I’m not dead yet!
I'd still hold off on making Laura Mockingbird. Agent 19 may traditionally be Mockingbirds in the comics but there's always some disconnect between the MCU and comics continuity. They could of just made it a fun nod that Laura is the MCU's Agent 19 without actually making her Mockingbird. Not that I'm attached to the AoS version or anything, but I just don't attach a passing nod to immediately connect everything to her being a character that likely won't be explored anyways.


Well-known member
I really doubt that

1) Laura is going to be doing any Mockingbird type things


2) AoS Bobbi Morse is ever going to be referenced or seen again.

So it’s a neat little nod that doesn’t really disrupt anything.


Continuity Nutcase
Let's not forget that Bobbi was never actually ever called "Mockingbird" in the show onscreen (only ever in this SDCC promo for the show, which feels pseudocanonical at best), so there isn't much conflict surrounding that name between her and Laura.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Honestly I preferred the thought that she was 100% civilian and just got up to speed on all that stuff so she could help Clint out more.


Guess whos back
I don't think AoS was ever really canon to the MCU. They certainly wanted to try to be but I don't know if the people in charge of the MCU ever remotely took them into consideration for anything.


Well-known member
I don't think AoS was ever really canon to the MCU. They certainly wanted to try to be but I don't know if the people in charge of the MCU ever remotely took them into consideration for anything.

Same could be said for Netflix's Daredevil...


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
Well keep in mind the whole show was developed around Phil Coulson and his events with Loki from the movies. The first few movies were also integrated into the current happenings in the show. Then at some point, they backed away from that even though they would reference things here and there. But when the "snap" happened they just reset the whole show into a different timeline and ignored the movies completely.


Well-known member
That was the show's biggest missed opportunity, imo. I think dealing with the snap and the aftermath would have gotten it ALOT more attention. Even if just a small snapshot of the immediate chaos and trying to find any form of stability.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
Yeah. After that season it basically became "Legends of Agents of SHIELD of Tomorrow", which while interesting, kind of made it way less relevant. Even more so when you consider the implications of the time police.

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