The DC...Extended Universe or Films or Whatever


Pittied fools.
I may regret this in the vein that I watch fewer things than most but I'm creating the thread so avoiding spoilers may be more difficult. Still, a DCEU thread wasn't created on the new forum and one specific trailer intrigued me:

At face value, there's nothing truly special about the trailer itself. What stood out to me was a meta element. The tone they went for was distinctly not the grim apathy of the Snyderverse. It makes me wonder if they've truly learned from past mistakes...and successes since Aquaman, Shazam, and Wonder Woman did well yet were tonally different than Man of Steel/BvS/Justice League. There's also the fact that they chose to put it before The Batman in theaters so it's a theme they're pushing.


Continuity Nutcase
Last week, the movie that started it all for the DCEU was finally given a full review by Linkara:


SHIELD Agent 47

Active member

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
There's no Super Pets thread, right?

Anyhow, I saw it and unexpectedly loved it. I didn't see the trailer so didn't know the line up or the conflict so I got surprised at turns.

Two extra scenes at the end. Wait for the very end of the credits for the second one. It's worth it, haha

PB is my favorite. Such a darling. I love the enemies. Krypto is great to look at and I'm just ok with The Rock voicing him. I would have been happier if Ace was portrayed differently. I can't quite get into the new breed's expressions.

They put a lot of meta jokes. They make fun of Marvel or at least reference it a bunch.

Sad but I have to rate it higher that Thor Love and Thunder (omg). My 2022 list (ranking on if I'd want to see it multiple times or if I had fun) goes as

Maverick Top Gun
Dr Strange Madness
Super Pets
Thor Love and Thunder
The Batman

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Have folks seen Super Pets? I just need filling out the list of the henchmen, since only four stand out. I loved seeing them during the fight so I'm curious about their powers.

If anybody knows which I'm missing, let me know?

All I have are :

1. Mark - the pyromancer
2. Keith - the water manipulator
3. The huge muscular brute
4. The rainbow caster

5. The winged attacker
6. The steel skinned fighter

7. The teleporter (was the green one?)
8. There was a floating one who looked like he had digital sfx, I think?
9. If the teleporter wasn't the green one, was the green one making poison gas?
10. I'm blanking. Did one of them fire lasers? I don't know.

There are ten guinea pig henchmen, right? Who's missing from the list?

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!

No references to Ignatius or even Streaky. From the trailers, Ace the Bathound is different too.

I watched that old show (great song!). I was a bit disappointed that the pet super team Krypto was part of was all dogs. Should have been varied like in the comics and in the movie.

SHIELD Agent 47

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Well-known member
Just eating $100 million is *insane*

Disney didn’t even do that with “New Mutants” and they are in far better financial shape.


Well-known member
At those kind of costs, I'd just get the MST3K guys to riff on it and still release it. You can lean into a bad movie.


Well-known member
Apparently from test screenings it's THAT bad.

The HBO Max lineup currently offers Batman & Robin, Catwoman, Superman 3, Superman 4, Supergirl, Steel, Suicide Squad, Green Lantern & Jonah Hex.

There is no possible way even Warner Brothers could put together a Batgirl film that is worse than any of those.

Fullstrength Motleypuss

Well-known member
I think it would be pretty easy to put together a film worse than Supergirl.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Apparently from test screenings it's THAT bad.

The HBO Max lineup currently offers Batman & Robin, Catwoman, Superman 3, Superman 4, Supergirl, Steel, Suicide Squad, Green Lantern & Jonah Hex.

There is no possible way even Warner Brothers could put together a Batgirl film that is worse than any of those.
I mean, regardless how bad, it still featured a major brand character with a supporting role from Micheal Keaton as Batman (beating the Flash as his first appearance of the character in 30 years).
At 80-90 million? You might as well just dump it on HBO Max as planned and take the critical hit.

At this point, regardless the long term plans for films and streaming, you really aren’t saving any money just ditching Batgirl at this stage.


Continuity Nutcase
And let's not forget the F- that was Batman v. Superman, one of the absolute worst superhero films of all time, featuring three of the most popular superheroes of all time.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Aw man, a second Scoob! Movie probably would have had more Hanna Barbera characters in CGI interacting. It would have been cool.


Active member
Yeah I read some of this last night. Reddit scuttlebutt is that the new Discovery guy in charge is in a major cost cutting mode and prefers cinematic releases. So rather than fix it, or dump it to streaming which he doesn’t like, the decision is just to axe it.

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