Ezra Miller is somehow The Flash in the DCEU


Well-known member
Webtoons has a great take on this concept.

Ironbite-highly recommended

Almost as if they were listening to us, the newest comic kinda deals exactly with this:



Well-known member
Hasn't the NFT ship sailed off into the distance and crashed on the rocks around the harbor after the Captain had too much rum during the pre-launch celebration?

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders


Well-known member
Well, from the corporate/seller side of things, you basically get money for nothing. I don't think I have to go into too much more detail on that. If there's a bunch of people out there with too much money and too little common sense, why wouldn't you take advantage of them?

The buyer side of thing is a little more hard to understand. They seem to think NFTs are the equivalent of investing in a one of a kind piece of art. Like buying a animation cell from a cartoon, or buying a movie prop, or baseball cards. It's something the buyer believes will only go up in value. After all, back in the day, comic books were considered disposable entertainment, too. And now some of them can go for a million dollars. It's all pure speculation.

If you can get a large enough group of rich people to believe that something is valuable, they will MAKE it valuable, just buying and trading the item among themselves. It kind of feels like the same thing as high-end fashion, to me. A giant hat that looks like a swan may look ridiculous to us "commoners", but if the rich convince themselves that it's the "in" fashion item, it will still sell for thousands of dollars. So, NFTs may also work as a bit of a status symbol. "THOSE people just don't understand the complex nuances of NFTs, can you believe that? *the haughtiest of chortles*"

Is it foolish to waste your money on a JPEG with a digital serial number embedded into the code? Yes. But, when you get right down to it, it's also foolish to spend your money on, say, a Pokemon trading card, which is just a piece of cardboard with a picture on it. And people have been going crazy for similar things for decades. This is just the newest fad. Just more expensive than the average fad.
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LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Well, from the corporate/seller side of things, you basically get money for nothing. I don't think I have to go into too much more detail on that. If there's a bunch of people out there with too much money and too little common sense, why wouldn't you take advantage of them?

The buyer side of thing is a little more hard to understand. They seem to think NFTs are the equivalent of investing in a one of a kind piece of art. Like buying a animation cell from a cartoon, or buying a movie prop, or baseball cards. It's something the buyer believes will only go up in value. After all, back in the day, comic books were considered disposable entertainment, too. And now some of them can go for a million dollars. It's all pure speculation.

If you can get a large enough group of rich people to believe that something is valuable, they will MAKE it valuable, just buying and trading the item among themselves. It kind of feels like the same thing as high-end fashion, to me. A giant hat that looks like a swan may look ridiculous to us "commoners", but if the rich convince themselves that it's the "in" fashion item, it will still sell for thousands of dollars. So, NFTs may also work as a bit of a status symbol. "THOSE people just don't understand the complex nuances of NFTs, can you believe that? *the haughtiest of chortles*"

Is it foolish to waste your money on a JPEG with a digital serial number embedded into the code? Yes. But, when you get right down to it, it's also foolish to spend your money on, say, a Pokemon trading card, which is just a piece of cardboard with a picture on it. And people have been going crazy for similar things for decades. This is just the newest fad. Just more expensive than the average fad.
Yeah, I should have specified "for the buyer."

Sounds like the answer is, "SOS."

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Weekend update, and it’s still just bad news for the film. While final numbers aren’t in, BOM estimates are generally close enough to interpret broad trends.
And the trend for Flash is a continued train crash into a chasm that just get deeper and deeper…

Weekend 5, roughly a month since release, and The Flash is playing in less than 1,000 theatres. The film made less than a million dollars this past weekend. For all intents and purposes, the film is “done” from a theatrical standpoint. I expect a couple more weekends and Warner will finally close off the film’s theatrical run.

And again, for the record, I thought Flash was pretty good. Probably deserving of better than these numbers. But it just feels like there is just so much “meta” around the film, much less the broader trend of weak performers in general, that the film just couldn’t click with audiences.


Well-known member
That's...amazingly bad.

Ironbite-and Ezra Miller isn't Ryan Reynolds so they won't be able to Deadpool they're way out of this.


Well-known member
Went to see it with my wife today mainly because it was the only one of the half dozen films we were interested in playing early enough that we would have time to watch it and get lunch after.

It was decent. Pretty good. It's not even close to as awesome as Across the Spiderverse, nor even as the Dungeons and Dragons movie (the last two films we saw). But it was entertaining enough.

-ZacWilliam, I'd put it behind Aquaman and the first Wonder Woman but maybe just ahead of the first Shazam? Anyway it's in the top 5 DCU movies, but behind pretty much all of Marvel for me besides Love and Thunder.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
The Flash earned more total, but Green Lantern did beat it domestically.

That's before inflation though. Adjusted for inflation Green Lantern wins by a mile.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Looks like July 20 was the last day The Flash was in wide distribution. It is no longer listed for any metrics for this weekend.

The post-mortem is looking like this: On a hefty (reported) budget of about $200-220 million, the film ends its domestic run with just $107 million. Worldwide is around $267 million, well below even a minor success. Combined with Shazam’s flop last spring and the likelihood of Blue Beetle failing to meet expectations, continues to justify new DC management’s decision to just throw everything out and start over.


Pittied fools.
Out of curiosity, what are the expectations for Blue Beetle? Also, did Aquaman 2 get shelved?


Well-known member
Nope! They just did a little less than a week of reshoots.

It’s going to be awful.

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