Blasted Effing Blast Effects are Eating My Transformers!


Another babka?
I distinctly remember getting a used RotF Bludgeon in a bundle of misc Transformers, but for the life of me, I can't find it now. Kinda wondering where it is, and hoping it's not damaging anything else...



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Spare a thought for people who overspent on the BotCon Overlord.

Or did everyone immediately toss those after Titans Return Overlord came out?


Staff member
Council of Elders
Part of me still wants to backtrack and get that for a sort of Earth-2 Overlord, but it was already not worth the expense before factoring in the melting treads.

I remember taking my Bludgeon out of storage as soon as I reaad about that. It's a shame; it's otherwise a clever and very cool mold. Maybe I should track down a Legacy Bludgeon and get rid of it, idk.


This is how I store mine.

I pretty much have taken to doing this, upgrading from a big ziptop bag with all of them in it (probably not a good idea long-term). Got into a really intense "buy up little organizing tackle box things" phase this time last year for various things like RID2015 clear plastic bits and WFC-onward blast effects. Even printed off little labels so I can organize them by type/color (so the colors don't leach into each other).

Problem is, now I want to collect and catalog all of the damn things.

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