Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I ended up getting the $0.01 Steeljaw stickers along with the toy labels for Deluxe "Not-Missing-Link" Prime. He's earned them.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders

Though shipping is likely gonna be about 200x more then the stickers themself.

Not even! It was just $1.26!

And even if it was, yeah, I can swing two bucks.

Thanks! Ordered!

Now I just hope I can apply the blasted things when they arrive.

...there weren't any other penny sheets, were there?


Well-known member
Not even! It was just $1.26!

And even if it was, yeah, I can swing two bucks.

Thanks! Ordered!

Now I just hope I can apply the blasted things when they arrive.

...there weren't any other penny sheets, were there?

I dont know if he still is, but Legacy Bombshell was the previous one.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Yeah I think they occasionally do one at a time (I got the TR Windblade once, since I already had the figure).


Staff member
Council of Elders
I know that leaks have indicated we're getting a Sureshot, but I'd like to see a redeco of this concept Sunstreaker mold as him as well.


Well-known member
So I found someone selling just Windsweeper, since I don't like the idea of Bulkhead and Breakdown sharing a mold:


Honestly, even knowing before hand I'm still disapointed that he's such a minor remold when his two Triggercon buddies got more extensive remolds. Currently waiting on the Nonnef upgrade set to arrive to make him look a bit more unique from Needlenose. Then I just need to get the Toyhax stickers for it.

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