Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Ibut I still couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger on a $90 that I only had mild interest in. I had hoped he'd go on a nice, deep clearance sale, but that just hasn't happened.
That's what I did.

Well maybe not a deep clearance but seeing him in-stock at Target while they were doing 25% off any toy purchase meant I paid like $72 for him (with tax).


Maystor missspelur

one benefit of no longer biting my nails - i can actually transform this guy without needing to use a spudger anymore (look getting those damned arms out when i had no fingernails was literally impossible)
I always found it odd how many parts make up his arm there what 3-4 pieces there


Continuity Nutcase
I have that.

And the Scorpion version of Ax, and the Ultra class Visser Three, and the extremely rare Taxxon.

They all feel like lost Transmetal 2 toys minus the chrome.

Never bothered with any of the human figures, though.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I liked to angle the back end of Visser-3 up to make shoulder cannons. Not remotely right, I know, I read all the novels. But I used the toy as a Transformer.


Another babka?
I have that.

And the Scorpion version of Ax, and the Ultra class Visser Three, and the extremely rare Taxxon.

They all feel like lost Transmetal 2 toys minus the chrome.

Never bothered with any of the human figures, though.
I was really into Animorphs when these toys were out but the human figures were so hideously monsterous I never wanted any.

I recently decided to pick up the Andalites because I figured going from one alien creature to another would help. No human mode to try and make work.

Visser Three here turned out great. I'm kinda kicking myself for not getting him earlier. Ax and the Ultra Visser Three are definitely on the list now.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I had Ultra Visser 3, honestly it wasn't that good. Nothing locked in place right, the middle claw was a totally wrong color, the torso was dinky, hands were just cast on the back of two triangles, etc. If you like the character, or want a HUGE Hork-Bajir, it's great. But for being an actual toy, it didn't work very well and I don't know why.


Continuity Nutcase
I was really into Animorphs when these toys were out but the human figures were so hideously monsterous I never wanted any.

I recently decided to pick up the Andalites because I figured going from one alien creature to another would help. No human mode to try and make work.

Visser Three here turned out great. I'm kinda kicking myself for not getting him earlier. Ax and the Ultra Visser Three are definitely on the list now.
If you can find one for a not-exorbitant price (while also keeping in mind the figure's rarity and decades-old age), I do recommend tracking down the Taxxon. I got mine from a seller on eBay who wasn't getting any buyers until I offered them a deal.

I had Ultra Visser 3, honestly it wasn't that good. Nothing locked in place right, the middle claw was a totally wrong color, the torso was dinky, hands were just cast on the back of two triangles, etc. If you like the character, or want a HUGE Hork-Bajir, it's great. But for being an actual toy, it didn't work very well and I don't know why.
I like the Ultra figure because it's one of those like Car Robots Gigatron where you can reconfigure it into however many modes your imagination can think to reshape it into. ;)

Mine also doesn't have any of those QC issues and I reconfigured it into a better-looking centaur mode than the official one in the instructions.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I picked up the Ultra Visser-3 at a thrift store, missing the missile claws and most of the tail. I don't know anything about Animorphs, but for the three bucks I paid for it, it was a nice giant monster thing.


Another babka?
If you like the character, or want a HUGE Hork-Bajir, it's great.
Honestly? Kind of the appeal. The Mega toy is a pretty good representation of the character, who was a great evil overlord antagonist. So I don't feel like I need the Ultra for him specifically, but I'd like a Hork-Bajir figure.

I do recommend tracking down the Taxxon
It looks fun as just a giant monster transforming thing. I'll keep an eye out for one for a decent price.


Continuity Nutcase
I don't know anything about Animorphs, but for the three bucks I paid for it, it was a nice giant monster thing.
That too. I like robots, I like monsters, I like aliens, I like mutants, and it's a thing that looks like all of the above.


Well-known member
40th Anniversary photoshoot: Animated

Bay movie stuff will come a little later, but now I’m jumping ahead to Animated. One of my favorite TF toy lines. There was recently some discussion in the Legacy thread about Cyberverse and Earthrise, and it makes me so happy that these earlier main lines gave us such a good swath of characters and a good selection of sizes for the main cast so that I could cobble together a decently in-scale group, and sometimes even in multiple scales!




I need to pick up an Activators Bulkhead.


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