

Two arms and one smile
Yeah, I have more than enough in my current collection to keep me happy forever. There are a select few "it would be nice if" figures that I would still buy, but the feeling of "needing" any particular character to feel complete left my brain a long, long time ago. I feel especially spoiled, now that we are getting Missing Link Arcee (wish we still had the old Arcee winky emoji)


Staff member
Council of Elders
Yeah, I have more than enough in my current collection to keep me happy forever. There are a select few "it would be nice if" figures that I would still buy, but the feeling of "needing" any particular character to feel complete left my brain a long, long time ago.
100% this!

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Yeah, ditto. There are a handful of characters I'd like a modern update for still (Thunderwing, Monstructor, BW Rampage), but for the most part I just don't have a lot left to keep looking out for. Especially among the 84-86 cast.


Active member
I'm almost there, most of the characters I want are non G1 now, so as long as they put out core Monstructor, ss86 Astrotrain & maybe a new Nightbeat, I can be content with G1 Generations.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
There are still plenty more I want, like Heatwave and the Perceptor 3-pack and lots of previous releases, but at the same time, I reached a certain state of contentedness when I got G1 Fort Max.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
My own active acquisitions are largely done now, since my nephew is getting his own. But if something REALLY nice comes up I am open to it, like Liokaiser or the Origins trio I grabbed when they came out.

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