i think cryotek is more feasible unless they would be willing to do all that extra tooling for a pulse exclusive. it'd be cool, but i can't see them going the extra mile with a new head and wings
the wreckers line is overall so disappointing. leadfoot is great and was an instant buy, but i'm passing on the other 3 and waiting to see what comes tomorrow. they had a chance to make something really great here and floundered hard with unnecessary repaints
does anyone know who did this digibash last year? i'm about to finish this custom and would like to give credit to the original artist for the inspiration.
this was why i bought 2 selects bug bites and am working on the sg version, which i honestly kind of forgot about until literally 10 minutes ago cause he was underneath my custom supplies
i'm really digging metroplex. i was leary of the idea when he was just a rumor. i personally think the design actually makes him look like a classic titan. i look forward to getting him
this would be pretty interesting if we're going with captain megatron. idw1 megs had so many personality changes, imo, and most of them would be interesting to see go against this megatron
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