Kai blinks at Haze as she slips in so close to him to say that, then blushes a bit, flicking his ears before looking to Forte, "Yeah, I know... just being snarky." He watches Moonbeam dart into the girl's room (the least populated up to that point... with two boys, two girls, and two in...
Kai flinches a little at the 'hot flashes' comment, but is fine following along up the stairs, not seeming to have any trouble with some exercise, though once it comes down to dividing up the bunks, he smirks, "Gonna be so much easier to come up with a plan divided into three groups, yes sir..."...
A late friend of mine once said, 'Some times you write the character, some times the dice write the character, sometimes the character ignores you and the dice...'
Depends on the source of the fainting. If it is based on a neurological condition, or a medical problem, it can be serious... but fangirling is usually just hyperventilation or overacting. That usually only lasts long enough to hit the ground. In essence, it's the same as standing up too quickly...
Kai quickly finishes his cider, then says, "Well, it sucks that we didn't get to sit down and enjoy a full meal... but I guess if everyone is dead set on leaving..." he nods to Forte, "Lead the way."
Kai blushes and shakes his head, "No... not since the last time you let me crash on your couch. I do not understand why everything in Canterlot is so flammable..." he grins at Hazy and comments, "Yeah, we kind of move in similar circles, so we kept bumping into each other, and eventually we were...
Kai clops forward and gives an upnod to the crystal pony, lifting a hoof to bump in greeting, "Sup! The uni-circuits on your iron holding up okay? I know it was kind of a rush job after that concert..."
Kai blinks, "We... just met. What 'bolt hole'? If you have a bolt hole for us to use, that would be a great thing to mention during the 'cards on the table question I just asked that you haven't answered yet." doing his saintly best not to sound a little bit frustrated.
"Seems to me..." Kai says, "...that anyone who goes in to look the place over, should have a reason to go in together. Like being known friends or acquaintances. Otherwise, if a bunch of strangers walk in at once and start looking around under flimsy pretense, it's going to look like we're...
Kai shakes his head, "No, just the first time on the edge where I'm one of the ones running the edge, and not being cut by it. I wasn't exactly a willing immigrant."
Kai says, "Well... I don't know how I can help, but so long as someone can make sure we don't get caught, I'm in... I really don't want to lose my job with the Canterlot School of Magic's Arcane Research division. I mean... side jobs are great, but until they pay enough to replace a day job, I...
Kai blinks as he listens, "Uh... okay, how does the client define 'harm' here? Because if we aren't supposed to fight anything, then I'm not sure why I'm here. I'm really only good for a limited list of things, and most of them involve inflicting... harm."
Kai shrugs, smiling a bit as he kind of half bops his head to the song that's stuck in his thoughts, just waiting for his cider, "You can't expect everyone in this world to make sense. I mean... just look at us from a species stand point, I still don't get how pegisides can stand on clouds... I...
Kai glances over at the arriving... arctic explorer, then blinks and turns his attention back to Scarlet and Haze, "Uh... right. Likewise. A pleasure to meet you both." then he gives a nod to the newly introduced Tripple and Night. He then looks to their host and asks, "Hey, uh... while we are...
Kai blushes, "Hey, that was her comments, not mine... I'm just here for the job!" he protests. "As for what I'm good for, uh... close range magic and melee combat."
Kai was just about to open his mouth to reply when the other pegasus clopped in and interrupted the conversation, at which point his fur goes jet black, his scales turning from bronze to washed out gray, and his horn going from ruby red to black fading to ash white, his purple eyes fading to...
Kai blinks a few times, needing to process that, "Oh... oh, no... no input. Sorry. Not what I meant. Don't worry about it." he gives a nod at the shared tunes and swaps some of his favorites back.
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