The next Marvel Haslab is 6" Robbie and his Not-Charger. Kinda neat I guess. It's a shame Hasbro didn't or couldn't get a fully licensed Dodge Charger for this since now it looks a bit Fortnite'ish.
Please see just seven posts ago. :)
If it was pitched as its own thing, it would've had to be a looong time ago because they don't just change up animation like that.
I had a buddy print up a stand I found online, now I can finally display all my little Unicron accessories. I didn't have much time to mess with it today before going to work, but it's pretty neat!
I don't know - you may be on to something there. He's far brickier than CW Swoop so it's not him. But I don't think he's 3P either because he's got hollow thighs.
Can you find the actual listing that pic's pulled from or just the thumbnail?
I'm thinking the "red deco, similar to the original 1986 release" means he'll be almost all red (including his legs) with either stickers or just the flame deco and maybe orange fists.
I'm realizing I'm really enjoying not being a "super fan" of Tolkien. I've read LOTR and the Hobbit and seen the Peter Jackson movies and that's it. Consequently, I'm enjoying this show and its world building.
The Sovereign class had a similar design language as well, but the showrunner says it's a "New-Constitution" class, so post Riker's Titan from Lower Decks.
This was kind of my thought too; the golden age of toys was the eighties to early nineties when you could get stuff like six foot long aircraft carriers.
Now, there's a lot of product to choose from only if you know where to look.
But as I type, maybe we're talking about two different things...
It's like they slightly over-corrected on the tendency for Marvel+ shows to drag a little bit.
Also - I laughed out loud at her phone background. It's America's Ass!
I wonder if it's either a red herring (the Titan is something else) or it'll get a rename similar to how the Yorktown (or the Atlantis or the Ti-Ho) became the Enterprise A.
Yeah - I think Dono's got it. I'd imagine they're for a collector similar to Funko Pops! collectors. You can get sooo many different properties all in the exact same aesthetic. I get the basic attraction (and in fact understand ReAction far better than I do Pops!). I mean, where else can you...
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