Eh, that was true of SOME of the founding fathers, not all. The federalist wing of early American politics actually wanted a strong, effective central government. Heck, the founding fathers included what Fox News would call a communist, if you look at Thomas Paine.
Rule of law IS a pile of horseshit, but the alternative is a pile of horseshit with an army of monkeys with strong throwing arms.
Government is nothing but compromise to keep us from descending into pure chaos and only works because enough people are willing to let it work, after all. Here in...
Eh, I don't think a slip of the tongue by a hypocritical former president is worth having a nuclear apocalypse over. I'd also rather NOT have my daughter have to fight off hordes of mutant psychopaths as she makes her way across the wasteland, but hey that's just me.
Of course this was just his bid for a Senate seat. He could still hold onto his position in the house, unfortunately.
*Edit* I'm an idiot, didn't notice he ALSO lost the house primary. We have around 7 more months to deal with the idiot having any real power, then he'll just be another Fox...
Fascists gonna fascist. Sad part is the Republican base will insist that clearly fascist laws are actually protecting their freedom instead of curtailing it.
Texas REALLY thinks it has the right to legislate outside of its own borders. IF this passes and the Supreme Court allows this to stand, all it will do is push social media companies to leave the US for Canada, New Zealand or Europe where they won't have to deal with the headache.
Yup. I'm all for reducing copyright length across the board, not just for large corporations. Hawley's proposal will simply make large entertainment companies hand off their ips to smaller shell companies that they control, changing nothing.
Or both. While the BULK of the people keeping the Republicans in power are boomers, they do have quite the following in later generations amongst various Randites and incels.
Not sure it would have mattered, unfortunately. He was impeached TWICE in congress for other stunts he pulled and BOTH times enough Republicans voted innocent to keep him in office.
Heads up, EVERY classic season episode they currently have secured streaming rights for is now available to stream on the Gizmoplex site, even if you didn't back the Kickstarter. Just have to create a free account.
To be far, the forums were wiped and nu-allspark has only been running since September 2021. We'd probably be at 3 or 4 pages by now if it wasn't for that.
The Republican's fight against the New Deal started before the New Deal programs started, thought it wasn't as intense as it became. The recession and extreme inflation of the late 1970's and early 1980's their proposed 'trickle-down Reganomics' plan gave the Republicans and a selection of...
It's not happening BECAUSE we voted, it's happening IN SPITE OF us voting, a significant difference. If we hadn't voted, we'd be further into the decent to madness and barbarism than we currently are. Voting is one of the few tools we have to right the ship. NOT using the tools available is...
Voting, at the very least, slows them down. If it wasn't for the Senate outcomes in Georgia in 2020 going Democrat, the Senate would currently have a Republican majority and even what little has been accomplished wouldn't have been.
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