They retooled their Cyclonus into an IDW version. They could retool this as well but it'd have to be more extensive since the toy style backpack wouldn't have room to hide arms.
For whatever reason, Leader molds since Siege don't receive as many reuses, mostly opting for straight rereleases with the same character/color. Magnus was the only one that got a lot of use as different colors/characters. Others were fortunate to receive even one redeco.
Only Grimlock ever used a sword in the G1 cartoon IIRC. And even then only once, it wasn’t his toy sword’s design and he used it by shooting lasers out the tip.
Fiction was probably the wrong term. I think media might be a better choice? The thing had no multimedia support aside from the Botcon comics and script readings which by their nature were confined to a very limited group of fans and were few and far between.
This guy looks awesome but is not fun to handle at all. All the long, pointy parts are on balljoints so they won't break but they're still long and pointy. Quite a bit too much gold as well. While I've finished painting the head, I'm thinking about doing the cannons in black, if I can figure out...
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