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  1. Caldwin

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    Some of those are hard to see even when y click on the answer. They're downright impossible to see on the pic where it's smaller, even when you know where to look. But there were a couple that really got me.
  2. Caldwin

    Gotta Catch 'Em All! - Pokémon Thread

    Congratulations. You planning on evolving it into a Golduck?
  3. Caldwin

    Last Post!

    Hehe! Mayhem's got crabs.
  4. Caldwin


    We will we will rock balls!
  5. Caldwin

    Mayhem City

    Honestly, I'm not sure. Is this where we start drinking prune juice and shaking our canes at strangers on the lawn? *eyeroll* So dramatic! You don't understand. Just a month ago we were the young ones. I was in my 20's. Now I'm...I'm...OOOOOOLD! I'm 44. It's not that bad. You're being...
  6. Caldwin

    Mayhem City

    Can you believe those young whippersnappers trying to ditch us like that, Scarlet? To be fair, you were about to go into a "back in my day" rant. Why, back in my day we respected our elders. You are honestly the poster child for daddy issues. I'm talkin' ta Scarlet, not you!
  7. Caldwin

    The Ever Popular, "What Are You Playing" Thread!

    I'm starting my 13th play through of Mass Effect. This will be my second time playing MaleShep.
  8. Caldwin


    Ray, when some one asks you if you're a god, you say BALLS!
  9. Caldwin

    TMM Hungers: The Next Course

    What is this word "enough"?
  10. Caldwin

    Mass Effect

    Well, I can't really "do stuff" until ME 2. But it'll come.
  11. Caldwin

    Mass Effect

    So...anyone want to guess what I'm doing now at this very moment? Go on...guess!
  12. Caldwin


    There is no Dana, only balls.
  13. Caldwin

    Ghostbusters General

    Now that Gozer has been separated into hundreds of different traps, I'd like to see what Ivo Shandor could do now that his body's ripped in half and he's really, truly dead.
  14. Caldwin

    [OOC] Nighthaze - ShadowRun/Cyberpunk but with Ponies!

    But why would you name him after a fish? 😜
  15. Caldwin

    [OOC] Nighthaze - ShadowRun/Cyberpunk but with Ponies!

    Hello, Forte, I'm Hazy! CUT! What the hell was that? What? That was my line. Hello, Forte... THAT! That right there. His name is Forte, not Forte! Fort, Fortey, Forty hugging takes before you tell me I'm saying it wrong., Try it again. Hello Forte... Forte! Hello Forte.. Forte...
  16. Caldwin

    Allsparkle General Discussion

    Okay, kinda stupid I know. But I just noticed something. Ghostbusters Afterlife at the 27:10 mark, Podcast gives Phoebe a USB drive in the shape on Rainbow Dash. That will be all.
  17. Caldwin


    Ironically what he actually would have said if he hadn't been hit on the head.
  18. Caldwin

    Ghostbusters General

    Reminder that you can now buy Ghostbusters Afterlife digitally starting today.
  19. Caldwin

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Hazy grins at Scarlet as they narrowly escape the grandparents. "In my day..." She says in a singsong voice, offering Scarlet a hoof bump. "Narrow escape, eh, 'Junior'?"

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