Given how much wider and squatter than Trailbreaker Hoist was in the cartoon, I'd expect his MP to either be a completely new mold or one that borrows only a small bit of altmode pieces.
Okay, you got me really excited after reading this, but upon listening to it, it's.... okay? Just sounds like a, somehow, less energetic version of the original.
Better make sure it's in good condition. The majority of clearanced figures like that that I've seen have been returned figures with beat-up boxes, missing pieces, and/or bad quality control.
More ideally would be to put the new mammoth skull where the tail went and turn the feet around to face the other way, since mammoth skeletons have the longer legs in front.
I just saw a short teaser for this movie and it showed a clip of the scene where the claymation detective is investigating the apartment of one of the kidnapped toons. Chip and Dale are there too and the detective asks them if they knew the victim and they say "Yes, he was one of the Rescue...
Heh, the first one dealt with air, the second with water...
It's only fitting that the second one step on the toes of Korra after the first stepped on Aang.
Oh man, with Toy Colors Scorponok and Parasite/Skywasp both coming with two heads, it makes me wonder if all four of the figures in this boxed set will each have two heads. Like, if Goldbug comes with a cartoon-based blue head and a Marvel-based gold head. Dunno about what Ransack could have...
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