I got home last night and our indoor cat somehow got outside and was at the backdoor. She was freaking out because of the chickens were out in the yard. I took her a little while to calm down once she got back inside.
Well, he was on Thrawn's bridge with no weapons when they got banished, so he probably was captured. If he escaped then he is probably around trying to keep Thrawn from messing up the place or leading a resistance.
Well, I am sure that they will have to pay him out his contract, so I guess he gets a free year+ of employment without having to go to work. In exchange they lose the training center in Florida that they were going to have him run to train new talent. Seems like a great deal for AEW.
Not surprisingly, Ace Steel was fired with over a year left on his contract.
Spot would be quite old by that point though. She would be around 11 or 12 years old. She was in Nemesis so she was still around back then. I am betting that Troi and Riker took Spot to the Titan or Geordi kept her on the Enterprise with him.
Final Mission is a good send off for Wesley. Him and Picard do get a lot closer by the end of it. Wesley does pop up a bit though in future episodes.
Spot is one of the most important things to Data. Liek all good cats, he teaches Data how to love. Sadly, there is no back story on how Data...
Watched it last night. Baylan is knocking this out of the park. It so sad that he died without knowing how great this was.
So what was up with the Mardook or whatever that inquisitor was called? Was that just a regular random person imbued with force powers like they did in Clone Wars?
So is...
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