I'm 3/5ths in already, so it's too late for me to stop now. To be honest, though, a mediocre Breakdown doesn't put me off of completing the set. He was always going to spend most of his time as the back of a shin anyway.
"I've been swept off of my feet..." whispered Landmine as he collapsed into Bonecrusher's strong, yet gentle, embrace.
"I hate that it took so long for this to happen" replied Bonecrusher.
Some pictures of Breakdown in leg mode on the front page. Looks like he's going to be a slight remold of Wildrider, which is a bit disappointing. It's not a deal breaker, but I had hoped for something that would look more like Earth mode Sideswipe or Sunstreaker.
Yeah, I gotta assume they were both picked for being more or less military-adjacent vehicles (Ratchet could pass as a military ambulance with all the off-road provisions), so I see the logic there, it's just not anything particularly exciting.
Been looking for a way to incorporate Blackjack/Rollercar into the new Menasor. With an added short chunk of 5mm Crazy Straw, he works pretty well as a stock for a combined mode gun.
I have a shirt with a slightly different version of that picture on it! He's holding a lightsaber/fork combo and the shirt says, in Star Wars font, "May the fork be with you." I got it at Pierogi Fest in Whiting, Indiana (part of the greater Chicago area).
A quick Google search reveals that...
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