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  1. Caldwin

    Ghostbusters General

    Now in my defense, I knew it was bad. I remember it being bad. But I rented it as a kid, I've been on a Ghostbusters kick lately and nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
  2. Caldwin

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe Origins Stridor is up for preorder. I hate preordering from BBTS (they usually take far longer to ship than it would take to find it at Target), but Stridor is one of only two MotU 'vehicles' I had as a kid (the other being...
  3. Caldwin

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    Isn't Masterverse He-Man without armor basically savage He-Man? Clamp needs it more.
  4. Caldwin

    Vi's cave of bad choices

    Happy Birthday!
  5. Caldwin

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Hazy leans in close and whispers to Scarlet so only he can hear. "If this gonk plans on using the stuff tonight, we're going to seriously have to change our plans. I don't even have any viruses made up."
  6. Caldwin

    Ghostbusters General

    That explains some things. *walks away muttering something about giant sloars and the end of days*
  7. Caldwin

    Ghostbusters General

    Maybe it was a Starbucks at one point and then they closed the location. Still lucky someone didn't just happen to go downstairs and find the containment unit.
  8. Caldwin

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Hazy burned with anger. Moony was back at the church paralyzed by not having enough Heliodryl. The church itself was dangerously low on its stock. And here this suited up unicorn was drinking it like it was some cheap recreational beer! She wasn't proud of here life of crime. It was half...
  9. Caldwin


    Ah yes, "balls!" We have dismissed that claim
  10. Caldwin


    We have such balls to show you.
  11. Caldwin

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Hazy gives a hearty laugh and gives Scarlet a playful nudge. "C'mon, Scarlet. Let's get to the bank." And a little more silently, "and between you and me, I was making more fun of them than you."
  12. Caldwin

    Ghostbusters General

    Well, I mean, not all American families, but it was obvious that Egon was estranged from his daughter and she would do her level best to never talk about him. If I had to nitpick and find an issue, which I hate to do because I absolutely love this movie, it just seems like outside of Phoebe and...
  13. Caldwin

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    Some of those are hard to see even when y click on the answer. They're downright impossible to see on the pic where it's smaller, even when you know where to look. But there were a couple that really got me.
  14. Caldwin

    Gotta Catch 'Em All! - Pokémon Thread

    Congratulations. You planning on evolving it into a Golduck?
  15. Caldwin

    Last Post!

    Hehe! Mayhem's got crabs.
  16. Caldwin


    We will we will rock balls!
  17. Caldwin

    Mayhem City

    Honestly, I'm not sure. Is this where we start drinking prune juice and shaking our canes at strangers on the lawn? *eyeroll* So dramatic! You don't understand. Just a month ago we were the young ones. I was in my 20's. Now I'm...I'm...OOOOOOLD! I'm 44. It's not that bad. You're being...
  18. Caldwin

    Mayhem City

    Can you believe those young whippersnappers trying to ditch us like that, Scarlet? To be fair, you were about to go into a "back in my day" rant. Why, back in my day we respected our elders. You are honestly the poster child for daddy issues. I'm talkin' ta Scarlet, not you!
  19. Caldwin

    The Ever Popular, "What Are You Playing" Thread!

    I'm starting my 13th play through of Mass Effect. This will be my second time playing MaleShep.
  20. Caldwin


    Ray, when some one asks you if you're a god, you say BALLS!

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