it's bad enough seeing the recession coming with no way to stop it; knowing the stupidest out of touch ************s are leading us into it hurts all the more.
EVERYTHING the Project 2025 alerts warned us about is going to happen, and the majority of Americans want it to.
WELP; RIP MuppetVision.
Electric Mayhem RockNRoller Coaster is interesting but MuppetVision was Jim's last project though. losing it is just another reminder of how much was lost with him, and how much has been lost since...
Speaking the unspoken policy: "Fall in line or get the hug out."
He's getting in then.
they ALL. are....
in case you thought there might be a sign Democrats would actually FIGHT BACK against Republican fascism, the first trans member of Congress won't even put up a fight for her own ******* human rights.
once again the Democrats response to defeat is to move further right.
Trans people are getting thrown under the bus.
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