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  1. ZacWilliam1

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    Admission: I have never ever seen any of the MotU-WWE toys in a store. And I go to look at toys in Walmarts all the time. I can't tell if that means they're very popular or really unpopular in my area. -ZacWilliam, I do not care even a tiny bit about Wrestling and have not since about 1989 but...
  2. ZacWilliam1

    Leak of New Swapticons Gimmick Line

    They're all 2 robots that share the same alt mode. My personal guess is a Figure that turns into that alt mode that can be customized some how to be either of the two robots. -ZacWilliam, we shall see.
  3. ZacWilliam1

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    I feel like the toys is what you would get if you put RiD Sideburn and Cyberverse Shadow Striker on either end of an animorphs type slide bar and moved it 75 to 80 percent toward Striker. -ZacWilliam, it's her Cyberverse vehicle with just a dash of his changing it up in the details.
  4. ZacWilliam1

    Studio Series 86 Appreciation Thread

    I saw that. Luckily Amazon works better for me generally anyway and he's still up there. ZacWilliam, September is way out there. I'm guessing it'll move up.
  5. ZacWilliam1

    X-Men '97 - continuation of 1992 Animated Series

    I long for someone in the comics to do a really thorough and complete take on all the Pheonix Force stuff. I mean there the stuff everyone knows with Jean and Rachael and all that But *SO* many other books have put their hand on the ball and added things that are easily forgotten or duplicated...
  6. ZacWilliam1

    G1 Episodes Available on YouTube! Again! (And Again!)

    I mean I of course own those and have watched them countless times. But May 18th IS my Birthday and my wife and daughter will be out of town... -ZacWilliam, I don't have anything else planned to celebrate so... kinda hope it's playing nearby...
  7. ZacWilliam1

    X-Men '97 - continuation of 1992 Animated Series

    I felt like it was a good match. A light fun action focus on the kids episode and a serious, very action light and adult story for storm. Little something for everyone. -ZacWilliam, given their length both felt pretty well developed to me honestly,
  8. ZacWilliam1

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    Stratos x Ace Duck Anyone? -ZacWilliam, Triclop-Ceraton?
  9. ZacWilliam1

    Transformers Collaborative (Transformers X Sonic the Hedgehog)

    I need the Mystery Machine and Godzilla before I feel like they hit the high points. -ZacWilliam, I'd love the Black Pearl too, but that's more because I just want a TF sailing ship more than the crossover.
  10. ZacWilliam1

    Transformers Collaborative (Transformers X Sonic the Hedgehog)

    If the Star Wars TF is an original Transformers character who turns into a SW Vehicle I'm 100% on board. If it's a SW Vehicle that turns into a giant robot version of a Str Wars character like the old line I have zero interest just like I did then. -ZacWilliam, needs a Cybertronian out of the...
  11. ZacWilliam1

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    Ordered the set. Entirely for Squeezeplay. -ZacWilliam, and in the optimistic view that I will have more money by the time it comes out.
  12. ZacWilliam1

    Transformers Collaborative (Transformers X Sonic the Hedgehog)

    I don't like how kibble heavy it looks. It just looks like all those panels would get really annoyingly in the way posing him. I feel like I've seen other companies do this a lot cleaner. I DO like that he can become his own guy. That makes more "sense" to me in a TurtlesxTransformers crossover...
  13. ZacWilliam1

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    Squeezeplay is enough to make me NEED that set. Since I missed Tarn that's a plus too. But Squeezplay (with Browning) is enough to sell me. -ZacWilliam, Now do the Autobot 88 Headmasters!
  14. ZacWilliam1

    X-Men '97 - continuation of 1992 Animated Series

    It was established somewhere back in the comics that Cyclops' force beams come through dimensional portals in his eyes from a dimension of pure kinetic energy (colloquially the "Punch Dimension".) It was likewise apparently established that all "recoil" and pushback from the beams are pushed...
  15. ZacWilliam1

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    Everything there looks good. But things I wish were there and aren't: Origins Rio-Blast and Horde Slime Pit. ZacWilliam, a lot of the non origins figures look good, but I can't get into another scale.
  16. ZacWilliam1

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    He's King Greyskull. -ZacWilliam, my brother guessed Randor, but that cape seems pretty definitely King Greyskull to me.
  17. ZacWilliam1

    X-Men '97 - continuation of 1992 Animated Series

    Yeah it is that pretty exactly. I was surprised Bobby didn't stick around. It's weird but very on brand to have storylines from disparate eras happening at once. We have: ZacWilliam, it was good enough that I wish I didn't have to wait till next week to see what's next.
  18. ZacWilliam1

    X-Men '97 - continuation of 1992 Animated Series

    Watched the first two episodes. It was actually very good. The writing really felt like the old Cartoon to me. It had the action and the over the top melodrama, and moral messages down pat in a way that really characterized the old show and made it feel like a real continuation. Just with...
  19. ZacWilliam1

    The Repaint Concept Thread

    I know what it's supposed to be and applaud the concept but I look at that pic and think he should have a Wc Donald's logo somewhere. -ZacWilliam, no that's not a typo.

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