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  1. Gizmoboy

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    I'm in the process of remodeling my entire display with brand new wall mounted shelving. In the mean time, I have set up a temporary Seeker display in my bedroom.
  2. Gizmoboy

    Studio Series discussion

    I'm officially sold on him. He seems to be as close to a MP as we're going to get at main-line scale.
  3. Gizmoboy

    Studio Series discussion

    That's what I've seen listed in computer systems, so it appears so.
  4. Gizmoboy

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    Officially cancelled Deluxe Prime since I'm going to take the SS86 plunge.
  5. Gizmoboy

    Studio Series discussion

    Prime is up at all the usual retail sites!
  6. Gizmoboy

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    Very nice! Thanks for the info @unluckiness. Mine happened to have an okay fit but I know several people had issues with this. I've had Tidal Wave in combined ship mode for a week now. I'm having so much fun just flying him around the house. Plus, with my display room in complete renovation...
  7. Gizmoboy

    Studio Series discussion

    After giving it some thought, I'm half tempted to cancel my preorder for Deluxe Prime and put those funds towards SS86 instead.
  8. Gizmoboy

    Studio Series discussion

    The better proportioned trailer is the only thing this has going for it over ER Prime for me. He looks good, and if you had missed out on ER Prime, then this one is a no brainer.
  9. Gizmoboy

    Shapeways files for bankruptcy

    Oh man, that's a great question. You don't want to let it go for too long or you might have problem disputing the charge on PayPal. I guess worse that would happen is you'd take money from a company that doesn't exist anymore if your item shows up and you got your refund anyway. I know I...
  10. Gizmoboy

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    I sold off my Titans Return Metalhawk and I never picked up Legacy version. It is starting to look like that was a good choice on my part.
  11. Gizmoboy

    The 3rd Party Toy Picture thread

    That is really cool. FE Bulkhead happens to be my desk bot today so I have him right here to compare to your pictures. I kind of see what you mean about the green being a slightly different shade. I love the extra accessories the KO comes with.
  12. Gizmoboy


    I do like his Snake Eyes visor. That's a cool thing
  13. Gizmoboy

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    I'm right there with you. Although, if I would have done that with the early people that received Tidal Wave, I might have been scared off from getting one of the best titans to date.
  14. Gizmoboy

    Shapeways files for bankruptcy

    I haven't put any effort into my Shapeways store for a couple of years now, but I would still sell things from time to time. I never made any significant money with my offerings, but I still made several sales a year.
  15. Gizmoboy

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    Well, while I haven't had a chance to do transformations yet to see how things peg together, I can say visually my set has none of those issues. Thanks for the heads up though so people know to check.

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