I remember looking at Firedrive when the line first came out. I can't remember what the price was, but I wasn't feeling the cost/benefit ratio and ended up skipping the vast majority. I came around a bit once Earthrise happened, but it was too late to backtrack at that point.
Man, I'm wishing this hadn't leaked because this looks like it's turned out super well, and I think people would have gone nuts over it on the broadcast.
I'll probably be putting in a pre-order for this!
It looks great in both modes, but getting from one to the next is borderline terrifying.
The leg transformation is not intuitive, and there are a few low key scary moments involving massaging clear plastic sections of the body into place.
And that's totally ok, too! :) The great thing about having a collection is doing things with it that make you happy. Mix 'n match? Cool! Keeping things within their own brands? Go for it!
I mean, we all have our collecting quirks. Mine is that I have a hard time getting over folks that keep...
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