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  1. tec

    The Random Image Thread

    Mecha Monday X-Mas haul to myself Diaclone Gaurda Val-Spire Galv And some Spin off Drive Head guys
  2. tec

    The Cheesecake Bakery

    I hope you all have a Merry X-Mas guys
  3. tec

    This has been my refuse from the world since the begining. man I hate makeing thses types of post..

    I lost my little brother yeterday the cause of death is strange and I wont get into that aspect but it was strange and no foul play I just I dont know its all surreal me and mammatec are dealing in our own ways I honesly dont know how to really write this kinda thing like what do you say? I...
  4. tec

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    I just dint feel like screwing up the spelling
  5. tec

    Diaclone Reboot

    Got my shipping information today kinda fitting that it will be Air Mailed to me
  6. tec

    Diaclone Reboot

    My Xmas gift to myself
  7. tec

    Loki - streaming on Disney+

    Epic way to end it After also works for me Tom is one of the actors I seen really and truly be in charge of his own character and thats what made it better
  8. tec

    Your 5 Most-Wanted Gen Deluxe Characters

    Earthrise Prowl Legacy Rapido? Legacy Downshift Legacy Camshaft Legacy Overdrive
  9. tec

    The Random Transformers Image Thread

    Can I have this exact design in toy form??
  10. tec

    Studio Series 86 Appreciation Thread

    I live in a world where I can have my Missing Link Optimus Prime and a 86 Movie accurate Optimus Prime and you know what? THAT'S A DAMN GOOD WORLD TO LIVE IN, In my opinion
  11. tec

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    Some classic Winter Wallpaper from years past
  12. tec

    The Cheesecake Bakery

    Enjoy the food today guys
  13. tec

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    I dont have a city to show off but I do have a City Commander and other goodies
  14. tec

    Studio Series 86 Appreciation Thread

    oh ha ha take your like and leave good sir
  15. tec

    Peter Cullen To Receive Lifetime Achievement Award

    Him and Frank should get it at the same time
  16. tec

    Studio Series 86 Appreciation Thread

    Oh good not the only one who thought it looked off

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