I went to save my Garudo Waifus first Harder path I know but it will be worth it so I started that quest line first
I feel more confident about combat now still not goona take on a Hinox or anything just yet
I forgor how big this game is! its takeing me all day today and I still have three more to go to unlock the full map
Currently stuck at the south west one
Most of its filled in now I need a break
ooof to much time in Genshin made me forget some Zelda rules like if it rains climbing is a nightmare
Glideing takes far more Stamina in Zelda then Genshin twice now I have pancaked myself on hard Hylean land
You what I dont get about Star Wars...Tatooine you know the armpit of space that no one wants vist or come too...
My god its got more space traffic then Corasant
When the cheesecake folders where just under 2 gigs (and 12 folders) back on the first Allspark sure I named the files now that its ballooned to 75 gigs its lucky enough to get filed in the correct folder (now 45 folders)
For May I thought it would be fun just to grab pics in alphabet order and post them no theme just the first pics of the ASafe folder and post them this also has the benefit of just clearing it out some junk that been there for years
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