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  1. tec

    Star Trek: Picard

    I primarly go with it being under construction as the new Enterprise but the Ti-Ho was a code name for the project so meshing both togather
  2. tec

    Star Trek: Picard

    Memory Alpha Quote In 2286, the Enterprise-A was commissioned at the San Francisco Fleet Yards on stardate 8442.5. It was launched from Spacedock on the order of the Federation Council in appreciation of Captain James T. Kirk and his crew's efforts to prevent the Whale Probe from devastating...
  3. tec

    Star Trek: Picard

    The ship a the start of 4..... but once the probe left the area they would get there power back and starships have a ton of backup just in case yeah the ship was in distrss but once the probe left that area of space power should have been restores to all ships in the area
  4. tec

    Star Trek: Picard

    This ep was insane but my biggest take away from all this.....
  5. tec

    The Random YouTube Thread

    J5 sits down for an interview
  6. tec

    in this post we post to post

  7. tec

    in this post we post to post

    This just happened
  8. tec

    The Random Image Thread

    I could not help myself
  9. tec

    in this post we post to post

    This is a post Its pretty
  10. tec

    Lego 2K Drive

    A new Lego racing game like Lego Racer 64?? YES PLEASE!!
  11. tec

    Power Rangers General Discussion Thread

    At this point im like its Power Ranges just go with it
  12. tec

    Power Rangers General Discussion Thread

    Looks great Ill give it a watch
  13. tec

    Create One Retail Generations Wave

    Core Chase Searchlight Wideload Dlx Mixmaster Slapdash Hosehead Voyager Dreadwind Roadbuster Leader Gunrunner
  14. tec

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    Hasbro going ham and nothing is is off the table so can I ask for and new version of Gunrunner and Roadgrabber?
  15. tec

    The Cheesecake Bakery

    Cyber Monday
  16. tec

    The Random Image Thread

    Mecha Monday
  17. tec

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    well I warped right into that one well played
  18. tec

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    Dont be fooled by the size though there are 12 boosters But yes this thing does have some real IRL heft
  19. tec

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    Powered V-Max Convoy Ω Vehicle Mode this thing is a beast

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