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  1. tec

    Transformers: The Basics

    Just finished the ep I love DW era I was working at a Comic book shop back then I was always hyped to get a new issue Ah well it was a fun ride while it lasted PAY YOUR ARTIST PAT
  2. tec

    Transformers: EarthSpark

    Just finished the the last available ep and it was fun and the Seekers where great And the series so far is ranking in the top 5 so thats saying something Megs is my fave character so far and thas just wild
  3. tec

    The Random Image Thread

    Mecha Monday slept in edition
  4. tec

    Transformers: EarthSpark

    Saw the two parter and I gotta say it was a lot of fun Also Cybertron Hardtop was great even has his Cyberkey gun at the start Prime still haveing a bad day was great
  5. tec

    2022 Celebrity Death Thread

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! MY Batman is dead I just finished Justice League and Unlimited oh man time to restart TAS
  6. tec

    Mayhems tangled mess of controler cords

    Welp I have given it some thought and the end of an era is here unless it makes some MASSIVE game drops soon the PS4 is my last Sony system The PS5 is the first Sony console I didnt immediately go buy and I have no regrets about that
  7. tec

    Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm

    We got in a bunch Classics TFs I snagged the Bluestreak as I dint have it also snagged a Netflix BB
  8. tec

    The Cheesecake Bakery

  9. tec

    The Cheesecake Bakery

    Ah normal cheesecake days ahead
  10. tec

    The Random Image Thread

    Mecha Monday
  11. tec

    The Cheesecake Bakery

    Trick or Treat
  12. tec

    The Random Image Thread

    Happy Halloween and Mecha Monday
  13. tec

    Diaclone Reboot

  14. tec

    The Random Image Thread

    No thats Ric Ocasek Rick and Morty is the ace pilot of the first Robotech war Mecha Monday
  15. tec

    The Random Image Thread

    Mecha Monday
  16. tec

    The Cheesecake Bakery

    Ok here is my stance on AI Art I wont promote or draw attention to it but I also wont throw a fit if one ends up in one of my post That pandora box is now open and the lid will never shut again so we must learn to adapt and evole as art enjoyers cos its not going away now
  17. tec

    The Cheesecake Bakery

    Time for Spoopy stuff
  18. tec

    The Random Image Thread

    Mecha Monday
  19. tec

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    If they do grant it then it exposes them to acctualy being crupt (witch we already knew) and means they would be the ones trying to block real justice and cant relayed on for any judgement going forth

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