I canceled my preorder on the Modular Iron Man in order to cut back on my toy habits but if I see him in town I'm defiantly picking him up.
But the Silver Centurion was used in one of my first Marvel Comics. Some sort of winter special that had 3 or four stories. Iron Man story had Spymaster...
I have a Sliver Commander deck that I could potentially use any of the 5 color legendary Slivers as a commander and the Queen is the only one not in it. And the more recent Slivers are best to upgrade into as they only share their abilities with your own Silvers rather than any on the board. It...
Despite coming down on the series earlier it’s not like I don’t enjoy the movies for what they are. I think the two I really don’t care at all for are Rise of the Machines and Salvation. 3 just felt like they did a movie just to do another movie. It tried rehashing the plot from T2 but took out...
You are correct good Sir! That is the fun and sadness of reviving the forums. It gives us a chance to retitle long running threads, but we went a tad unoriginal for this go round.
Commander? Or the Vanguard one. I’m pretty sure most Hanna reprints aren’t too high these days, but those Vanguard ones are probably a pretty penny’s worth now.
And actually the Weatherlight has two different cards. The one I posted was the post rebuild in the Dominaria set. Skyship...
Oooooh you got the rulebook art Drizzt! Nice! And Hanna sadly only ever gets the new artwork but never a fully new card compared to the rest of the older Weatherlight crew.
That reminds me. You weren't in the game when Dominaria hit a few years back were you Caldwin? The Weatherlight flies...
I enjoyed Modern Horizons 1 over 2, but that's because 1 had Slivers and more recognizeable characters from the Lore for me. MH2 went deeper into the lore than before and that was beyond even my knowledge of the Games history.
Jumpstart if you can get a hold of a good handfull of packs between...
If anything, going into Shang-Chi with lower expectations might be all the better. I had no idea what to expect really and I feel that probably helped me enjoy the movie all the more.
I'm pretty forgiving of Franchises going past their time, but even I can see the Terminator franchise has long since lost it's luster. Now that we got to the point to where it really didn't matter that T2 happened at all and it's always going to be killer robots vs the not so special chosen one...
Interesting choice of timing considering the comics lately. Could Hasbro be trying to synergise the brand a tad more? I mean the Boom comics have exploded in popularity post Drakkon. Folding in comic continuity into the show seems a bit much but it could be like Disney pulling certain things...
I found Shang Chi to be a fun flick. Loved it's connection to the rest of the MCU being present while setting up it's own place within it. I'll admit Awkwafina's character is a tad grating at times but I warmed up to her eventually. As to timeline placement.
Starting up this thread again by announcing that Haslab Sentinels are arriving! I wish I had got one!
Also I had though I was nearly finished with Legends with having all the early 90's X-teams. Just a few to go right. A proper X-Factor Wolfsbane to complete that team. A retool into Feral...
One of the first Secret Lair drops was cat themed I immediately jumped on it to add to my cat commander deck. Both Mirri and Arahbo can be my commander though I think Arahbo has been somewhat banned in formal Commander. Captain Sisay is another I run in it despite not fitting the theme. But she...
Ah the earliest of the 90’s kid novels. The Glove of Darth Vader, Lost City of the Jedi, Zorba the Hutt’s Revenge, Mission to Mount Yoda, Queen of the Empire, and Prophets of the Dark Side. They were fun for what they were back then. They do not mesh at all well with any of the other post RotJ...
I ended up downloading it a few days ago when Aloy was announced. Haven’t really played much yet and have no idea what characters are good and such. I’ve got 3 others than the starting two.
So what’s people’s reactions to the first 4 What If? Episodes?
Captain Carter
T’challa as StarLord was great fun.
The assassination of the Avengers was interesting to see that
and Doctor Strange losing his heart instead of his hands.
Legacy of the Force is still better than the New Jedi Order and Fate of the Jedi novels to me. Heck quite a bit can be compared to the sequels in areas. Rey and Jaina, Ben/Kylo and Jacen/Caedus. In ways the Sequel Trilogy was a merging of the Legacy of the Force series with a dash of Dark...
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