I've bought a few upgrade kits in the past couple years that I felt were totally worth it, especially the leg extensions for Doubledealer & Kingdom Scorponok. Haven't dipped my toes into any Legacy Prime upgrades, but I'm loving the variety from different makers on offer!
If anyone has both Classics & Masterverse She-Ra, could you take a side by side comparison pic for me please? I haven't been able to find any with regular online search.
I've been waiting for Snarf, but for that price, I was hoping he'd at least have a waist swivel. Maybe they should have included a samoflange accessory for good measure.
So, I just found out about the Real Ghostbusters figures from Diamond Select that released a few years ago. They look pretty good, but it looks like they are incredibly expensive already! Has there been any info on whether Hasbro can do Plasma Series figures based on the animated series?
Speaking of the Dinobots, what does everyone think the chances are that we'll eventually get toy deco versions that include their swords? I've been super on the fence about these figures due to a strong preference for the toy decos. I mean, these molds have to get reused sometime...right?
There are a shocking number of G1 characters who haven't really received suitable modern toys. Sure, most are from the "masters" era, but here's hoping we at least get Deluxe Insecticons soon.
Ooh also how about some dino head chariots from the G1 flashback scenes?
I just got Selects Galvatron too, and he's fantastic. A really solid feeling figure with great proportions. Have there been any announcements for toy styled replacement heads anywhere? That's the only thing he's really needing.
So, I've recently come to the conclusion that packaging is potentially becoming a bigger issue than it has been in the past. The trend seems to be moving towards higher end, premium figures, and that means higher end, premium packaging. It looks great!...but it takes up SO much space.
I know...
1. Is it possible to use Studio Series 86 molds in Selects?
2. How does the Brand Team view European-originating characters such as Thunderclash & Skyquake as fitting in within the G1 continity? Do you consider them G1, G2 or something else?
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