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  1. Robogeek1973

    Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

    Hoping for a Super7 Fugitoid someday.
  2. Robogeek1973

    Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

    Special delivery .
  3. Robogeek1973

    Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

  4. Robogeek1973

    Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

    Dorkside delivery day!
  5. Robogeek1973

    Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

    Received these two yesterday.
  6. Robogeek1973

    Plunderlings...and friends.

    The kickstarter has been funded, so now it's time to get those stretch goals opened.
  7. Robogeek1973

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    And just like that, my Revelations He-man is yesterday's news.:ROFLMAO:
  8. Robogeek1973

    Plunderlings...and friends.

    That means I'll end up with two orange ones then, as I have Cheddar, and plan on getting Mango.
  9. Robogeek1973

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    Grain of salt until confirmed.
  10. Robogeek1973

    Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!
  11. Robogeek1973

    Plunderlings...and friends. have the red one... So sorry I missed out on the red and gold ones.
  12. Robogeek1973

    Plunderlings...and friends.

    I bought three of the Plunderlings awhile back, but like with so many other things I buy these days, they still haven't been opened because of lack of space to put up non Transformer stuff. I've already pledged for a Plunderlong and a Plunderstrong though, and I'm amazed that they've gotten...
  13. Robogeek1973

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    Masterverse is certainly going to take a bite out of my collecting money this year. I'm kinda surprised that the leaked Sorceress Lynn, Roboto, Stratos, and Frosta haven't been officially announced yet though.
  14. Robogeek1973

    Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

    Anyone up for a 3rd party Leatherhead? Pre-order up at BBTS if anyone is interested.
  15. Robogeek1973

    Studio Series discussion

    Two Sludges and a Junkyard have been ordered.
  16. Robogeek1973

    Transformers Collaborative (Transformers X Sonic the Hedgehog)

    Yup, he looks absolutely terrible to me, and despite waiting since forever for Transformers/GiJoe figures to be made, I'll be easily passing on this guy. I'm very disappointed can do so much better than this, and you know it.
  17. Robogeek1973

    Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

    Lots of good NECA news today. Archie damn!
  18. Robogeek1973

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    I guess I had that coming by putting a pic up of my whole shelf, but I meant everyone but him when I posted it, lol.
  19. Robogeek1973

    Fan First Friday 2/4/2022 11am EST

    A Voyager Swoop that's the size of Kingdom Cyclonus will fit on my shelves just fine.

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