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  1. G.B.Blackrock

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    Those who know the character from the Marvel UK version might disagree.
  2. G.B.Blackrock

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    I'm of much the same opinion. I HATE (add a few more of those for emphasis, please) the comic-style cel shading. I'm SO glad that it's not very prominent on Straxus, and (as you said) don't hold out much hope for another version, so I'm getting this one while I can. The box, at least, is...
  3. G.B.Blackrock

    A Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far, Far Away.... - Star Wars General Discussion

    I think establishing Owen as Anakin's step-brother (Owen's father DID marry Anakin's mother, after all) establishes enough of a familial relationship. I never questioned his taking Luke in.
  4. G.B.Blackrock

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    You're suggesting that makes a difference. I don't think it does. Certainly not the way you keep asserting.
  5. G.B.Blackrock

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    As a former President, the secret service isn't something you can just waive away (well, 45 could, but the judge can't, nor can the state). Seriously, the costs are there, and they're not optional. Here's some detail...
  6. G.B.Blackrock

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    Logistics is hardly a cheap excuse. Several news articles have reports that locking up the former president would, in fact, be extremely expensive. (But, no, I can't be bothered right now to "show my work." If it's THAT important, I can do so later)
  7. G.B.Blackrock

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    (Also already discussed: the fact that Trump would absolutely LOVE to be able to complain about how the biased judge threw him into prison thanks to the left-wing witchhunt. With choice words in all caps.)
  8. G.B.Blackrock

    Christian Evangelicals - not all are made equal

    But that's just it. The prayer breakfast is supposed to be "non-sectarian" (that is, not even limited to Christians), let alone "non-denominational" (limited to a specific religion, but not to any subdivision thereof). But you're obviously right, in practice. In practice, it's not only run by...
  9. G.B.Blackrock

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    Sounds pretty accurate to G1 Scorponok to me....
  10. G.B.Blackrock

    Star Trek: Discovery

    He might be now (I'm honestly not sure), but I'm pretty confident that he wasn't when the show started out. UPDATE: Memory Alpha isn't even helpful, but it does suggest that Dr. Pollard (that other lady) is only a Lt. Commander, while Culber is a full Commander, FWIW.
  11. G.B.Blackrock

    Christian Evangelicals - not all are made equal

    I'm certainly not going to dispute that last sentence in the paranthetical, but your definition of "denomination" just before that doesn't match one I've ever heard before.
  12. G.B.Blackrock

    Christian Evangelicals - not all are made equal

    Uhhh, what denomination is the NDoP supposed to be, then? Is he confusing the word for "dominionist"? That's a very different concept.
  13. G.B.Blackrock

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    It's less that he disputed the point, but I felt that Wonko's assertion in post #2,222 was too generic about the crime for which he was advocating Trump's imprisonment, and I think that being too generic on this point is actively dangerous. Let's not give our opponents fuel to accuse of...
  14. G.B.Blackrock

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    The question is less "don't charge Trump, or you have to try everyone else, too" (my former comment notwithstanding) and more "is the crime you're talking about really WORTH all that fuss?" Mere possession of documents has been (historically) deemed not to be "worth all that fuss," whereas...
  15. G.B.Blackrock

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    If he should have been locked up simply for the documents, so should/would have other former (and current) presidents. His problem was the attempt to prevent the FBI from doing so, which is all-but unprecedented.
  16. G.B.Blackrock

    Takara Missing Link G1 Series

    WIth my luck, they'd include paper heads, colored (in Ratchet's case) Marvel-style, thus compelling me to buy one because they NEVER done Marvel colors before.... (Suffice it to say, that's NOT what I'm looking for!)
  17. G.B.Blackrock

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    Many fine people, no doubt.
  18. G.B.Blackrock

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    As the saying goes, if the punishment is a fine, it's legal if you're rich.
  19. G.B.Blackrock

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    I felt that thread needed better closure, myself, but the interviews I'd seen suggest that they always considered that thread closed as soon as they finished with Season 2 (and, given that Season 3 was filmed right on its heels, I see no reason to argue otherwise). Some threads, I guess, are...
  20. G.B.Blackrock

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    I could be wrong, but I don't think most people would agree with you (especially in regard to Discovery). But I was intending to reference the shows' initial seaons (plural) rather than strictly the FIRST season of each show. Even if we agree that season two was worse than season one, both...

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