Hellscream is absolutely a name upgrade if you don't let yourself be tied down with irony poisoning. Embrace the schlock. Life's too short and stupid to waste a bunch of it propping up things you like with qualifiers to make it look cooler to other people.
I've been hoping Jetfire would happen ever since someone pointing out that you can pop the little badge-chunk off of supermode Prime's chest to expose a port that would be ideal for mounting Jet Prime's chest shield. Likely more just a basic 5mm/siege port they put there in case they did get a...
Any privacy/adblock-adjacent plugins or settings you might have that could be getting a little too overzealous? I'm not a Chrome user, but that's usually the culprit for me when specific site functionalities break in Firefox.
The hingeyness doesn't really stick out to me, that just reads as How 3P Toys Tend To Be Sometimes, I'm more distracted by the fact that Megatron left his dentures at home.
Far as I know, Photopea's still got all its functionality, just has (or had, it's been a bit since it nagged me about adblock) some ads to keep the lights on.
We just gotta get to a point where the folks doing the FOSS stuff have someone involved that knows how an average user thinks and can...
It's somehow still at the top of the list of Photoshop alternatives lists in big collection graphics that go around every time some corpo shits on their customer base, even though we live in an age where Photopea, an almost 1:1 clone that runs in a BROWSER exists.
I guess mathematically the line had to have some pretty powerful duds to to balance out all the crazy-good jive it was doing, so we unfortunately ended up with guys like Leobreaker and Backstop.
TM2 Megatron would be a better starting point, but that's even more retooling to get rid of the wings and buff up the arms and make the thighs appropriately dummy thicc.
Yakuza is a really bizarre one to me because, like. If that sells, it'll surely be followed up on with ports of everything after, but at the same time, why are they shooting that shot now?
The generally heroic build and big chonky legs were a decent fit, though visually Energon Bulkhead probably still worked better for most people as their Classics Springer fill-in at the time. I do wonder if this one might have landed better with people though if his greens and yellows had actual...
Powerslave is so damn weird on its mechanics but i really enjoy it. The jumping and platforming in it has no right to be as good as it is in a 90s console FPS, even having been remastered.
If we still had public warnings, I'd rally for that many nested spoilers to count for at least three.
Also, I'm reasonably certain I've already seen someone do that custom, physically.
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