to that point, I feel kinda bad that so much of the end revolved around my character's backstory. it feels more like a point in the adventure where Dee would leave, and everyone else would carry on - only for her to just show up again and be like ... "be a queen -bah, I'd much rather help you...
I enjoyed thinking of the visual of Maple shrinking like a balloon letting out air... except with giggles instead of *inappropriate for radio* toot noises
also Maple is over the moon right now because she made Misty laugh. I absolutely adored Patch's willingness to go along with the antics...
just had 3 surveys in a row on youtube ...
*which of these smartphone companies ads have you seen recently -response: None of the above
*if you were to buy a new smart phone which of these (same options) would you choose - response: None of the above
*Which of these banks have you seen ads...
the time travel used in the episodes with A3-alpha trion is what we call "predestination theory" time travel. His timeline isn't changed it happens the way it was always meant to.
there is no branched timeline where the aerialbots aren't there. no Original timeline that got overwritten.
yeah that's the only thing I can ever think of.... like some guy's on the verge of a divorce/ breakup - or its an estate sale done by somebody completely in the dark about 'value' in this hobby
"Nice Gossamer skirt... Sorry about the -40 Wind chill" proceeds to blow out her mouth like a failed whistle at them. But then uses her nice goddess voice in Dee's head to say maybe hand out some blankets to the nice ones
I wish that set was out around here... my trus are still pushing that buzzworthy bumblebee heroes of Cybertron cyberverse 3 pack
needs me a squeezeplay
while we have out of canon (I.E. OBVIOUS) reasons why these visual errors exist - you know because its a cartoon and humans drew it.
from an in canon perspective we really only have two options. "take it for what it is, and come up with reasons for it that work in fiction" or "Use out of canon...
I remember being very spooked by where this disembodied voice situation was going... but I honestly can't remember any of the number of ideas that were going through mine and Maple's heads at the time...
I just knew that Maple does not like ponies being trapped and she would be the last one to...
The retiring King and Queen of Viknadia will offer amnesty to anyone from the city who comes to them asking for it - baring a few exceptions that the party will point out. Any of the common Citizenry will be welcomed to come and experience a magic positive culture if they wish to have a first...
I always just assumed that the visions given in these "matrix quests" or "vector sigma journeys" were interpretive and not meant to be representations of actual events.
it's like this omnipotent source of information is trying to talk to just some dude and has to figure out a way to get the...
considering how often it happened, it never felt to me like I ever noticed you scrambling when people left Zam,
it is nice to hear what plans were going to be though.
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