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  1. Galvaplexia

    Transformers Collaborative (Transformers X Sonic the Hedgehog)

    Ummm did you miss the entire rest of my post where I talked about Studio Series? MP prices are also as low as $70 for some (like Barricade and BBM Bee). And we’re not getting “retail prices” as it is; we’re getting Exclusives pricing, at ~$90. So if anything, we’re getting something with...
  2. Galvaplexia

    Transformers Collaborative (Transformers X Sonic the Hedgehog)

    I mean, that’s fine and all, but when they’ve got the genius level of engineering in MP figures, or, hell, the genius of the SS Megatron molds where the entire damn giant-ass wing assemblies or THE WHOLE ENTIRE TRUCK CAB accordion-folds into shins (SHINS!) and it still leaves the robot modes...
  3. Galvaplexia

    Transformers Collaborative (Transformers X Sonic the Hedgehog)

    Ok so…. not as much of a GI Joe fan, but yeah, I get the appeal. I like novelty TFs, so I’ll most likely get this, seeing that it’s a bit of a novelty. What I don’t get is: why does this thing have like BW-Neo levels of engineering? As in like Bump or Longrack or Big Convoy. Like… they couldn’t...
  4. Galvaplexia

    Oddest or most random "Holy Grails"

    Ya know, reading back over this thread is really making me appreciate my current set of toys all the more, cus a lot of what y’all are saying are grails are stuff I already have. Not all, but most.😅😅
  5. Galvaplexia

    BotCon 2022 Nashville, TN August 25-28

    Late to the party, but I don’t know who said butthole is; can someone DM me who he is so I know to avoid him? Thx!
  6. Galvaplexia

    WHAT is up with Cyberverse Warrior Class Snarl??

    Ah. Gotcha. Yeah, just looking for a complete set of Cyberverse Dinobots, since they make me happy.
  7. Galvaplexia

    Oddest or most random "Holy Grails"

    Hmm… dunno. All my Holy Grails I’ve either just went and effin’ bought it NO MATTER THE COST… (like Animorphs Taxxon, woooo that was a wallop) or I just see if the stupid thing doesn’t still cost half a mortgage and if it does I just decide I don’t want it anymore (like either Botcon version of...
  8. Galvaplexia

    WHAT is up with Cyberverse Warrior Class Snarl??

    Is it just not available yet or was he one of those randomly suddenly heavily coveted, blink-and-you-miss-it figures? Cus I can’t find it anywhere. It’s sold out on Amazon. It DOESN’T EXIST anywhere on eBay. And it’s not available on any online retailers that I can find on Google. It has to not...
  9. Galvaplexia

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    See, now I want this Ratchet. And I didn’t give two shits about it before this. 🤣🤣🤣
  10. Galvaplexia

    Shattered Glass Thread

    Did anyone’s copy of Starscream have it’s (perfectly light-pipable) eyes painted over, or was it just mine?
  11. Galvaplexia

    Shattered Glass Thread

    Teeeechnically you can store his armor on his back by combining it with his rifles like in the official var mode config, but no way to just store the armor itself.
  12. Galvaplexia

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    “dooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooh!!! Wazzzzzzpinator izzzz COMBINER noowwwwww!!!” Hmm, it seems like New Universe looooves Wazzzzpinator, since instead of making him a Weaponizer they made him fully Weaponizer-compatible (which I think he’s the only Kingdom BW figure that is).
  13. Galvaplexia

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    “dooOOOOOOOOOOOooooohhh!!! Wazzzzzzpinator hazzz POWerrrrzzzz noowwwwww!!!”
  14. Galvaplexia

    Shattered Glass Thread

    I’m not sure if y’all had gotten through with the SG comics yet, but... OMG!! SOOOO good!!! 😍😍😍
  15. Galvaplexia

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    “Pure silver Macedonian processed mercury ammunition with Marvell N.N.A.9 powder charge. 39cm, 16kg 13mm explosive ejection chamber; ‘The Jackal’. It’s PERFECT, Walter!!!” (Who said Dracula couldn’t have guns??😄)
  16. Galvaplexia

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    It def set a tone for the series for sure. That death is literally around every corner and no one is safe, even (and probably) especially the cute innocent bots doing cute innocent things, apparently. Unless you’re Tailgate.🤷🏻‍♀️😄
  17. Galvaplexia

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    CAPTION THIS! Found one single copy of this guy nestled among a literal sea of fossilizers, Shadow Panthers, Waspinators and Trackseses. (And yes, a literal sea, as it was nestled on a shelf with Kingdom deluxes arranged in a solid standing clump 6 figures wide and 4 deep). Don’t know what...
  18. Galvaplexia

    Cool concepts and missed opportunities

    Agreed. Such great potential for some alternative universe Easter egg homage-ey goodness but they had to scrap all that To Sell More Toys. 🙄 I do wish it was done more ubiquitously in other lines besides G1 and Classics. It’s an awesome concept. I really wished they explained a little more how...

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