okay well now I understand why my grammatical mistakes bother people, because those dice are much more perfecter for me than what I was actually talking about. I should have said. My bagged purple set and my bagged lime green set... or my purple and green sets... because what I meant was these
so I just finished listening to Protoman's theme from Megaman 3 on like a loop for 20 minutes... but I'm still kinda in a downer mood, anyone who cares... hit me with your best joke. please
wow, impressive themed crownroyal ..I mean dice bag lol I'm not a clinky drinky ...
those look like rad dice too.. but I'll stick with my me themed purple and lime green ones
I never made a big deal about it in the story - and I don't think I explained it in the old ooc thread either. but Maple's strong reaction to the realization that her pointing out the missing details from the painting was a suggestion to change it, and how she really seemed to be bothered that...
I'd like to think I'll be available for something that far out. :) but just in case I cack in 6 months when I hit 42... maybe only pencil me in for availability-ness
its an easy pass for me, the maketoys one from over a decade ago still looks better to me than anything that's come out since. hmm? has it been that long? anywho, maybe the next notconstrutocons set will thrill me, still half tempted by those tiny cube ones tbh
if you'd have asked me what the name was for the black tentacled cats in dnd I could have told you right up until I saw that picture... don't get old kids
also...did the earthrise seeker mold's wings always flap at a point in the middle? he's boxed with these flaps bent down in jet mode and either this is a new molded thing to get him in the box easier or I never noticed it before...
..I just had a thought, this was likely a thing they changed...
picked up the troop builder box at tru yesterday. Seeker isn't purple enough, but I found a shot from g1 where there was a cyan one and this light blue one along with the lavender one so I guess this guy's okay... plastic on the whole set feels weaker than the stuff used in these molds...
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