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  1. Zamuel

    [IC] Mey Hem: Submitted For Your Disapproval (cont.)

    Kage saw the room had a lot of machinery working autonomously. Though, he noticed the machines closest to the group slowed to a stop. The lab was massive, easily fitting a fleet of vehicles, but floor space was limited due to the machinery. The Chief Apothecary could be seen on the upper...
  2. Zamuel

    [IC] Mey Hem: Submitted For Your Disapproval (cont.)

    The children didn't need EB to carry them but they did follow when the group entered the room. As soon as they entered, the door shut behind them. It was quiet, save for a mechanical hum in the distance. Following a long hallway, it made a turn and opened up to a massive laboratory. Numerous...
  3. Zamuel

    Superhero without secret identity?

    A specific variant of not having a secret identity is when there's a specific organization or government involved. The Fantastic Four have often been a nonprofit agency. X-Men have a school. Steve Rogers used to be the guy on the posters to get people to support America. And then there's all...
  4. Zamuel

    [OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

    Don't act like you weren't playing with stuff like that since the beginning.
  5. Zamuel

    [OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

    Figured as much. I often copy/pasted font code so that kind of exploded when the site did. It's always interesting to see different NPC's sense of humor in short succession. Brisk in particular often has a unique dryness, but not always. Though I can't remember if "Don't sit in my spot" was...
  6. Zamuel

    Sonic The Hedgehog Apparently some Superstars info dropped last week. The emerald powers sound interesting.
  7. Zamuel

    Sonic The Hedgehog

    Canadian law for animated series produced in Canada requires Canadian voice actors. It's a thing.
  8. Zamuel

    Sonic The Hedgehog

    One discussion of interest is where does Prime fit in the canon. The statement has been made that it fits but that sometimes looks at odds with things from the games. The wrinkle is that Ian Flynn says he knows where it's supposed to fit but won't reveal that until after the show finishes...
  9. Zamuel

    Sonic The Hedgehog

    I don't think Ace Card Gaming is a bad guy at all but he does sit at the intersection of disgruntled Shadow fan and guy with an internet platform who doesn't always get facts right. He commented he doesn't get why Shadow couldn't enter the Shatterspaces when we all saw Shadow Chaos Control out...
  10. Zamuel

    [OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

    I was still able to have her deliver friendship lessons so it was fine.
  11. Zamuel

    Mey Hem RPG: Sword & Sorcery After the End of the World!

    First, glad you're feeling better. Yeah, PM me your thoughts.
  12. Zamuel

    [OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

    I mean, Night Cap was one of the only two characters from the first expedition and he didn't have the greatest showing then so it felt right for him to succeed here. Alternately, we can picture that, if we were still using Invisible Castle, everyone would have crit failed. Everyone.
  13. Zamuel

    Mey Hem RPG: Sword & Sorcery After the End of the World!

    Don't mind me, merely ratcheting up the tension.
  14. Zamuel

    [IC] Mey Hem: Submitted For Your Disapproval (cont.)

    While the door continued to open and children were being calmed, the group could hear from the opposite end of the hallway the approaching stomps of mechanical feet.
  15. Zamuel

    Sonic The Hedgehog

    Interesting fact I realized: When Sonic Prime ends, it will be the second shortest Sonic show by number of episodes, beaten out by the OVA (since it is supposed to be a two episode pilot but didn't lead to a series). As is, it will also be the second shortest amount of time. If the final...
  16. Zamuel

    [OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

    Eh, it's a two part problem. Worry about player reaction to those two characters specifically combined with the worry about dialogue from characters I didn't create. And of course, overall GM jitters.
  17. Zamuel

    Food Thread - Post pictures of Food

    What I used was majority waffle mix. After that, is sorta more art than science. A lot of my initial worry was due to not having a set recipe outside of baking a sweet potato, waffle mix, and praying I don't set a fire.
  18. Zamuel

    [OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

    While I was usually on edge whenever the Princesses were used, this was one time I was wholly confident. Celestia's line to Major Delight was utterly satisfying.
  19. Zamuel

    Mey Hem RPG: Sword & Sorcery After the End of the World!

    Just Patch. She's telepathically communicating. I think Friday's only done that with Patch and Beathra but she' hasn't done that often so I forget.
  20. Zamuel

    Ezra Miller is somehow The Flash in the DCEU

    Out of curiosity, what are the expectations for Blue Beetle? Also, did Aquaman 2 get shelved?

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