Does anyone else think that Hasbro might've missed out on an obvious Selects release with a G1 accurate Mainframe?
Seriously, I already have Ark!Mainframe, and I'd still get that mold in G1 colors. Especially if he came packed with some version of his little buddy.
And my payment have cleared for the United stuff I preordered on Hasbro Pulse. And bringing things back to Mini-Cons and Micromasters, I've gotten shipping notice for the SG Rodimus and Sideswipe set. Yay!
I bought every Micromaster that got released for those lines. I wish that we were getting more.
And as for the first wave of United, Pulse is supposed to be getting the first batch for me in soon. Maybe not before Christmas, but maybe just in time for my birthday.
Well that's annoying. The game data allows for Alolan Raichu, and yet, we can't get one. I mean, I wasn't worried about Alolan Ninetales or Alolan Sandslash or Alolan Muk or Alolan Graveler, but it would've been nice to get Alolan Raichu just by going into the Terarium and giving a Pikachu a...
One theory I've seen online is that it's part of an attempt to avoid repeating mistakes from the last time he crossed swords with the Doctor. That last encounter ended with the Doctor imitating the Toymaker's voice to win the Tri-Logic game. Speaking with a German accent (or French, or British...
It's not about how Amy died. It's about the Toymaker pressing the Doctor's guilt button.
Yes, Amy chose to let the Angels take her, and she did go back to be with Rory. The two of them did live a long and happy life together and adopted at least one kid. But would that fate had befallen them...
Big Finish remembers her.
And as for more Torchwood...I dunno. I mean, even if John Barrowman wasn't in trouble for being a little too eager to show off his family jewels, that series ended on a rather dismal note.
I got mine yesterday as well. Alas, it shall be a while before he's freed from his plastic and cardboard prison. Hopefully, however, it'll be sooner rather than later.
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