agreed, while some people swim in both pools, the 80's was a time often beset by brand factioning... drink pepsi well then you have to hate coke, a star wars kid wouldn't be caught dead doing the vulcan salute ... not without the accompanying "nanu nanu" to show disdain. He-man was old news...
I don't know, but I do know it makes me wish the economy was better so I could get back to making my own repaints with them. or hell if the economy was even better than that, Hasbro could just be doing the repaints themselves
one of the things I had notes on prior to this meeting was "things to say to __blank__ if they need convincing." ...if things had gone south with Misty. maple's plan was to go straight to Rhapsody alone ... and just do what needed to be done to get 'out of the situation' to say it in a way...
"It seems we have our next destination... you will need to add names to that list." Destron says, cracking her neck as she stands. before moving to leave Dee rests a hand on the knight's shoulder. "Chernabog agrees with you."
I watched it yesterday, didn't like a lot of it. it was kinda like the 'startrek insurrection' of tf films.
another 'fight over tiny glowy thing to stop the skybeam' plot
technically she's the daughter of dead data though, so would either of them really see the other as parent/child... I could see that being the basis for an ongoing story for the two of them... but as a reason to include her on her own... nah. leave her alone like they did with her dead sister...
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