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    Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm

    You're surprised that someone bit on troll bait (on what is probably the fandom's longest running 'debate') in Mayhem? Besides, this was settled in The Movie. It's RIBFIB: Rumble is Black, Frenzy is Black.
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    What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

    McCarthy kept losing because a splinter group of Fox News hardliners kept voting against him by voting for a different Republican, so he failed to reach a majority of the Congressperson-elects* present in the chamber, which is what the Constitution requires for a speakership vote. If it was...
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    What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

    Not really. Fred Upton was bandied about as a possible crossover candidate, but I don't think enough of the GOP leadership would have been willing to go against McCarthy for that to work out, and there's no way the crazy caucus would vote for a 'moderate'.
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    Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm

    All this proves is that someone at Hasbro is at least partially colorblind, because that robot is mostly purple. Personally, I'm hoping they do a massive troll and release the inevitable recolor as "RUMBLE (RED)"
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    The Mandalorian - streaming on Disney+

    It wasn't really a 'whole other TV show', though. When they announced TBoBF, they explicitly said it was going to be 'season 2.5' of The Mandalorian. It's not like the two shows being interconnected was some big secret.
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    Star Trek General Discussion

    Mega Bloks/Construx is the most recent license holder I'm aware of, having put out a bunch of TOS sets for the 50th anniversary, but they haven't released anything Trek related since 2017 AFAIK.
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    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    Quite often swearing will also work.
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    The Mandalorian - streaming on Disney+

    I ask this only semi-snarkily, but did you actually watch TBoBF?
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    We Believe in Metal

    RIP Jeff Beck
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    Transformers Legacy toyline

    I saw one Motormaster on the shelf in a Target up here in Ye Olde New England back in November, so I'd guess he's been as distributed as he's going to be.
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    What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

    Doesn't matter. He's paid to convince his audience that things are different than they used to be, and that's scary and bad, and they have to vote Republican to keep things from ever changing. Facts have no place in that conversation.
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    Transformers Legacy toyline

    Vincent Adultbot
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    Conspiracy lunatic thread - people who believe in absurd nonsense are dangerous
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    Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    Maybe 'Freezer' is an awkward reference to Freezon, the Tyco slot race car TF from G1 that had the same head design as Frumbly.
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    What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

    It's not like he's the first Speaker to win with a few votes from their own caucus going rogue. He's just the first idiot in a century to not have been able to sort things out before the voting started.
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    Bump: the thread

    Bump around! Bump around! Bump up, bump up, and get down!

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