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  1. New(er) Battlestar Galactica FTL

    I never quite got or got used to the concept of FTL in Moore's Battlestar Galactica (maybe copied from the original. I don't know). The F has to stand for "Faster", but they don't seem to go at a speed. Doesn't the ship just teleport? It is like a limited range spore drive that doesn't...
  2. Gun Culture

    Apparently an active shooter is on the OU campus right now. I live in Oklahoma and I've never been a part of the gun culture, but I'm surrounded by it. I've always said, "Yeah I don't have a problem with all the responsible gun owners, as long as we have ways to make sure that is who owns...
  3. Train Derailments are uncommon, right??

    When that Ohio train with hazmat derailed a couple months ago, I thought it was something that just doesn't happen. Then another happened a few weeks later and now another one in Minnesota. Am I hearing about all of them now because one was a big news story or is there really a strange new...
  4. Why did Elrond put Bilbo up?

    I'd like to live in Rivendell when I retire. If I just show up there, can I stay? I saw the Fellowship of the Rings movie before I read the books and from the movie it appears Bilbo just left a few weeks ago, but it is a lot longer in the books. Did Bilbo just reach Rivendell and stay? Is he...
  5. Loose G2 Breakdown For Sale

    He is in perfect shape with all accessories and his card EXCEPT there is a snagged corner on his roof sticker. I bought him in this same condition almost 10 years ago. I am guessing that he can sell for $1000. I'm not absolutely firm on that, but I won't snap quickly on an offer.
  6. Shinzo Abe Assassinated It is sad and it is and will be a major shock to Japan. I am over here with 2 little girls starting school and thinking I would kinda like to live in a country where someone who wants to...
  7. Disappointing Yellowing Mystery

    I bought the pieces of Raiden all new in 2008-10 ish. Somewhere in there. I built him and put him in my display. I have moved since then, but he has always been in a separate building with no windows and air conditioning. I brought him home yesterday to show my wife the comparison between...
  8. I am autistic

    I have been gradually coming out since my recent diagnosis and this place feels like the next logical place. There are a few people here who have "known" me for nearly 20 years. Kalimol has known me a little longer. That blows my mind. About a year and a half ago, we started reading up in...
  9. AppleScript or JavaScript expert?

    Never mind, I got it done myself
  10. What is a Super Soldier?

    I felt like it was clear in "Captain America: The First Avenger" that Steve didn't have super powers. He was just absolutely everything that a man can be. Wasn't it? We eventually saw him do some things that were really real, but they were in the normal range of things movie heroes do. Have...

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