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  1. Paladin

    we've lost Derrick J Wyatt...

  2. Paladin

    Sonic The Hedgehog

    so how many animators did they lay off this time?
  3. Paladin

    Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse

    Part 1!
  4. Paladin

    Murder remains legal for white boys Gonna be a FUN election cycle next year, huh...
  5. Paladin

    Studio Series discussion

    An all Bee Movie Wave!
  6. Paladin

    4 Sale- Selects, Adventure, Zords and more!

    Thought I'd try the direct method for a couple of items. Terms of sales: 1. Paypal only (REALY funds, none of that "crypto" jive) 2. Prices are in US Dollars and do not include shipping UNLESS NOTED 3. Leave feedback when transactions are completed & I will do the same. 4. No trades, please...
  7. Paladin

    Cang Toys' Team Volcanicus

    this is a VERY unique sort of take on the Dinobot team.
  8. Paladin

    Disney & Pixar present- "LIGHTYEAR!"

  9. Paladin

    History of the World, Part 2 Mel Brooks; 95 years old & still at it.
  10. Paladin

    Animorphs graphic novels

    There's only 2 of these so far but I'm really enjoying the updated storytelling. If you grew up in the 90s and remember this series I recommend picking these up! Hopefully the line continues. and maybe sidesteps some of the crappier books...
  11. Paladin

    Planet X "CACUS"- IDW Grimlock

    another impressive bit of work.
  12. Paladin

    Muppets Haunted Mansion

    Two great tastes that go great together!
  13. Paladin

    comedian Norm MacDonald dead at 61 RIP Turd Ferguson. :(
  14. Paladin

    Cyberverse Appreciation Thread

    Found the new Deluxes at retail. picked up Cheetor, Thunderhowl & Grimlock. the new packaging is interesting but the open-box seems like it'll cause more problems than solve.
  15. Paladin

    What's Cooking?

    Share your culinary creations! pulled this together last week- stir fry; usting mostly leftover meat & veggies.
  16. Paladin

    The Leaked Listings Thread

    To keep track of any potential upcoming releases! Here is what we know so far from the upcoming line after Kingdom; supposedly named "Legacy/Evolution"- supposedly the Titan for this line is
  17. Paladin

    The Toku Thread

    Celebrate the forum return with a special viewing of Movie War Megamax!
  18. Paladin

    HasLab Victory Saber

    The latest project is (as of this writing) a little over halfway to the goal with 37 days to go. Will it hit the mark?

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