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  1. Kalidor

    BotCon 2022 Nashville, TN August 25-28

    I didn't see a thread about this since the forums reboot so I thought I'd start one. They just announced they'll be taking reservations for vendors and exhibitors.
  2. Kalidor

    New pictures of “Reformatting” Galvatron and accessories!
  3. Kalidor

    General Welcome to the Iacon Art Institute

    You can post all your creations here. Be sure to take note of the top left when creating a new topic and select the appropriate prefix to categorize your art. If you're just posting general discussion or asking a question you can use that prefix instead. Also note you can choose "Discussion" or...
  4. Kalidor

    Problems posting

    Hi, I'm aware that some of you are having problems making and replying to posts. This is something I'm looking into. Try clearing all your browser cache and doing a hard reset. If that doesn't work please be patient as I work on this.
  5. Kalidor

    The Terminator Franchise

    I don't know that there's much more than can be done with the Terminator franchise at this point. The movies have clearly run their course. I've never gotten into the comics media so I don't know anything about those, as I tend to stick to live action stories. As of now I've watched all 6...
  6. Kalidor

    Known Bugs and Issues

    This is a thread for me to log things I know are being a problem. * Highlight Text - This doesn't appear to be working in the editor because the highlight is (presumably) the same color as the background - Fixed
  7. Kalidor

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    So generally speaking I find the show fairly subpar, but it has gotten better with the second season. The latest episode I actually found genuinely good for once due to the fewer "references we copied and pasted from the wiki" incidents and they've finally got dialog that doesn't revolve around...
  8. Kalidor

    Change Log

    This is just a place I'll note some minor changes I make as we go. * Added the multi-quote feature * Changed the forum index "unread" icon from green to white. The green looked good in early tests but was a bit overwhelming in the full index. * Updated the character limited from 10K to 12K...
  9. Kalidor

    Here we go again....

    Hello everyone! As you can see this is the second time we've had to come back from nothing. Due to being targeted and hacked once again our data has been lost. I've taken this time to increase the security so that something like this cannot happen again and have verified the off site backups...

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