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  1. Rare, never-before-seen concept material from years past

    in the last year, i used the club's skyfall and flywheels designs for customs and added both to my collection
  2. Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Toy Fair 2025: Vortex, Onyx Prime, Alchemist Prime, Excellion, Sideways, oh my

    look, all i want is commander class thunderclash. i'll settle for leader if they want to make it financially easier and make an optimus repaint. also, age of the primes and no mention of pyro, the one guy with prime apotheosis?
  3. The Repaint Concept Thread

    could someone digibash overcharge as shattered glass blitzwing? might pick up 2 to make sg blitzwing a reality for my collection
  4. The Repaint Concept Thread

    *instantly wishes he had an extra spinister*
  5. Generations Selects Appreciation Thread

    i'm looking forward to getting 2 of those steeljaws so i can finally make a sg version
  6. The Repaint Concept Thread

    we need pulse to start up universe again with figures like these
  7. The Repaint Concept Thread

    i had this saved for years. pretty much any time the club released stuff like this, i saved it for inspiration
  8. The Repaint Concept Thread

    I was looking through some of the old TFCC concept art when I came across their evil Polar Claw from Generations Kup where his vehicle mode would be based on the DHARMA Initiative van and got to thinking they could easily take Code Red and turn him into the DHARMA van with his arms and legs done...
  9. The Repaint Concept Thread

    i thought that was dinobot black shadow for a minute
  10. The Repaint Concept Thread

    pharma?! if i hadn't made him from tr triggerhappy, i'd use that bash for my own custom
  11. The Repaint Concept Thread

    Has anyone digibashed Tasmania kid as wolverine? Every time I look at his ears, I think about wolverines mask and might pick up an extra figure to make the custom
  12. TM Terrorsaur wings needed

    i'm finally finishing a tm fractyl custom i started with a junker tm terrorsaur over a decade ago, but i never had a set of his wings/blades and now really need them. they don't have to specifically be from tm terrorsaur and can be from any iteration of the figure since they'll be repainted. i...
  13. The Repaint Concept Thread

    honestly, i thought this was bm blastcharge with those colors
  14. Transformers Legacy toyline

    can't wait for these sets to go live. they look amazing
  15. Transformers Collaborative (Transformers X Sonic the Hedgehog)

    neither of these are mine, but i saved them with the intent of making my own.
  16. The Repaint Concept Thread

    surprised i hadn't heard of stage dive. now, i need a figure
  17. Rare, never-before-seen concept material from years past

    dragonfire was a way cooler name for jetstorm
  18. The Repaint Concept Thread

    i don't know why, but that sentinel prime's face is giving me robin williams vibes
  19. Your 5 Most-Wanted Gen Deluxe Characters

    i need the rid 2001 car brothers the most my absolute long shot, never gonna happens are leader class torca and idw fort max
  20. The Repaint Concept Thread

    i vaguely remember the bwII galvatron for deathsaurus idea

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