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  1. Legacy Line Wish List

    that'd be nice. hoping for a show accurate scavenger, myself.
  2. The Repaint Concept Thread

    i finally got override a few days ago and my first reaction to seeing her head out in the open was "she'd make a great stampy"
  3. Transformers Legacy toyline

    hoping for humvee prowl from idw1, honestly
  4. The Repaint Concept Thread

    i think cryotek is more feasible unless they would be willing to do all that extra tooling for a pulse exclusive. it'd be cool, but i can't see them going the extra mile with a new head and wings
  5. Shattered Glass Thread

    instant buy but why shattered glass? and, my only small gripe is i wish she had a menacing face like in idw
  6. Legacy Line Wish List

    i see what you did there. but no damus, or whatever he's calling himself these days?
  7. Legacy Line Wish List

    leader class thunderclash. it'd make for an easy enough optimus repaint, so he'd fit a lot of hasbro's criteria
  8. Transformers Legacy toyline

    the new leaks are impressive, but i am most intrigued by the core class dinobots
  9. Shattered Glass Thread

    this was an immediate buy, slicer? he's just normal slicer in the sg universe?
  10. Transformers Legacy toyline

    awesome, can't wait to buy her
  11. Transformers Legacy toyline

    that is a damn near perfect update for override. i'm impressed
  12. Transformers Legacy toyline

    the wreckers line is overall so disappointing. leadfoot is great and was an instant buy, but i'm passing on the other 3 and waiting to see what comes tomorrow. they had a chance to make something really great here and floundered hard with unnecessary repaints
  13. The Repaint Concept Thread

    does anyone know who did this digibash last year? i'm about to finish this custom and would like to give credit to the original artist for the inspiration.
  14. Shattered Glass Thread

    this was why i bought 2 selects bug bites and am working on the sg version, which i honestly kind of forgot about until literally 10 minutes ago cause he was underneath my custom supplies
  15. Shattered Glass Thread

    looks great. can't wait. finally got some sg bot and con stickers from toyhax for my sg customs. got ironhide and sunstreaker just about finished
  16. Transformers Legacy toyline

    i'm really digging metroplex. i was leary of the idea when he was just a rumor. i personally think the design actually makes him look like a classic titan. i look forward to getting him
  17. Shattered Glass Thread

    do i get 2 of him and some reprolabels so i can have both? damn it, hasbro! why he so sexy?
  18. Can no longer subscribe to Transformers comics via Comixology

    glad my lcs went to a new system years ago.
  19. IDW1 Megatron vs. IDW2 Megatron

    this would be pretty interesting if we're going with captain megatron. idw1 megs had so many personality changes, imo, and most of them would be interesting to see go against this megatron
  20. Transformers X Jurassic park Collaborative Figure

    well, mine just showed up. i didn't even realize it was out for delivery because i only check my email once a day and the notification came after that

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