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  1. Transformers: EarthSpark

    Out of all the stray lines of world-building from IDW1, "Soundwave's anti-neutral pogroms" still terrifies me to this day.
  2. Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Wave 1 Box Art

    The panels make him seem weirdly reminiscent of Optimal Optimus, IMO.
  3. Conspiracy lunatic thread - people who believe in absurd nonsense are dangerous

    Remember when Fox News said, "Some of our programming is just the opinion of the one guy who's saying it, and it's not our fault if people mistake it for actual news"? Now imagine an entire generation of teens and 20-somethings whose political opinions are shaped by an ecosystem of commentators...
  4. Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    Has anyone ever coherently explained what they think an America without Birthright citizenship looks like? I'm an American citizen because I was born here. If pressed, I could get my Birth Certificate to prove it. But if Birthright citizenship is revoked, then am I only a citizen if my parents...
  5. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

    Technically, 160 out of 197(ish) countries of the world are signatories for the ICC (not including U.S.). On the other hand, the ICC swore out a warrant for Putin because of Ukraine, and he's traveled to some ICC signatory nations since then without facing arrest. So some nations clearly don't...
  6. Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread Common sense and decency wins first staring contest of new administration.
  7. Conspiracy lunatic thread - people who believe in absurd nonsense are dangerous

    I am. literally. quoting her from the article. How have I NOT explained how I'm making the assumption that she holds a view when I am literally quoting her proclaiming that view? It sounds like you're hung up on the idea that Slavery cannot be consented to, which is factually untrue. The...
  8. Conspiracy lunatic thread - people who believe in absurd nonsense are dangerous

    Nowhere did I say she has a good, normal concept of morality. I very specifically said it was a distorted way of thinking. I even said she has no objective concept of right or wrong. I don't understand how people keep interpreting any of that as me defending her, in any way. The fact that I put...
  9. Conspiracy lunatic thread - people who believe in absurd nonsense are dangerous

    I did not intend to justify, okay, or rationally explain her position at all. I'm sorry if it came across that way. My intent was to articulate how distorted modern American thinking is on issues. This woman is approaching the topic from a completely foreign POV to how we're used to discussing...
  10. Anti-Semitism

    Even going off of the UK definitions PrimalxConvoy provided, this still wouldn't qualify as hate speech. The communication must be "threatening or abusive". Unless those words also have different meaning across the pond, that threshold is not met here. Some people got sent a meme post...
  11. Conspiracy lunatic thread - people who believe in absurd nonsense are dangerous

    No, she said if everyone wants something, they should go ahead and have it. If they had gone a step further and asked "so if everyone in the nation wanted slavery, that should be okay too?", you don't think she'd triple-down? This woman has no concept of what slavery is. She's not a...
  12. Conspiracy lunatic thread - people who believe in absurd nonsense are dangerous

    This is just the inevitable outcome of Gen Z's thought process. First off, slavery is not "special". Understand it is only illegal because the 13th amendment says it is. Just like alcohol was illegal because the 18th amendment said it was...right up until the 21st amendment reversed that law...
  13. Anti-Semitism

    No. It's not. A hate crime is when a crime is committed against someone and a bias "of hate" is the clear motivator. Making someone see something that offends them is not a crime. Battery is a crime. Battery motivated by anti-semitism is a hate crime. Anti-semitism is not a crime, nor a hate...
  14. Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    @NovaSaber: "More electable than Trump" by an objective, rational standard, I mean. I admit I have no idea how to compensate for his bizarre allure. If the Republicans ran somebody other than Trump in 2028 (and any "endorsement" by him is neutral here), will they gain or lose voters? What's the...
  15. Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    Believe me, I understand that article's feelings. I unfollowed someone the day after the Election when they posted two images on their feed. The 1st was one of those "We'll still be friends after the election because I'm more mature than that" images, and the 2nd was a wiener dog dancing in a...
  16. Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    Yeah, what just happened with Deathy is a microcosm of why the Democrats lost and why they will continue to lose for the foreseeable future. * Caveat up front -- I voted Blue up and down the ballot because I fear for our democracy. * But I understand why they lost. All Deathy said was he voted...
  17. Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    "America's Plan B" Party?
  18. The 2024 Us Presidential Election Thread

    Good! This is exactly what Democrats should be doing right now -- acknowledging the people who voted against them and asking for feedback. If they ever want the White House again, they need to listen to why they didn't get it this time and (perhaps even more important) be SHOWN listening to...
  19. The 2024 Us Presidential Election Thread

    They just won the popular vote and received a mandate from the majority of voters. Why would Republicans be afraid of free elections?

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