
  1. CoffeeHorse

    Sponsor TFSource News - Fans Toys Fantastic Models, Studio Series, MMC, Toyeasy, TFSource for the Holidays & More!

    We have a newsletter from TFSource. New Preorders! - Fans Toys Fantastic Model FM-03 Warhorse and FM-04 Doc - MS-04 Munitioner | Magic Square - Transformers Studio Series Transformers: The Movie 86 Constructicon Scrapper and Bonecrusher - 116 Apelinq Leader Class | Transformers Studio...
  2. LordGigaIce

    Toys and Figurines First look at Studio Series Devastation Optimus Prime

    First look at Studio Series Devastation Optimus Prime. Looks like a Deluxe take on the G1 design? Source: In Demand Toys on Facebook Join the Allspark today. Allspark Forums Discord Server twitter (X) Facebook Page Bluesky Instagram
  3. CoffeeHorse

    Movies and TV Transformers ONE Review: Well-Oiled but in Need of a New Engine

    Not one of a kind, but one step in the right direction. Transformers as a film series has had a very long, tumultuous history. While many loved the action and scope of the Michael Bay films, it came to ahead with The Last Knight being the lowest grossing and reviewed movie in the franchise. As...

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